
Tips to make your man’s first visit home fantastic

man homeSummer, summer, summertime! It’s summer! WHO-HOO! Even for a California girl like me, summer is a fun season. It’s not just about great weather, which I get all the time here in Los Angeles. Maybe it’s leftover from school break, but summer feels a bit more free than other times of the year. Summer’s about prioritizing fun, making the most of your weekends and travel. And summer travel often means family visits because it’s the season of Father’s Day, lots of weddings and family reunions. So, summer could also mean the first time your boo comes home with you. Here are some tips to make it fantastic.

Plan it out

Consider yourself in charge of the visit. Plan out every single moment of it. Things can change and you can alter your plans. I’m not saying you have to carve anything in stone. But, having a schedule and clear idea of what’s going on will make everything smoother. New groups of people who are trying to be polite without fail end up in a frustrating cycle of “What do you want to do?” Out of being deferential, no one will have a preference and hours will be wasted figuring out what to do. It kills the fun of any visit. Be the hero and set a bunch of plans for everyone. You’ll avoid all the faux politeness that turns into inaction and ruins the vibes of a trip.

Give everyone time

You’re the hot commodity on this visit. Your family feels more comfortable with just you than they do with you and your boo together. And of course your boo feels more at ease with you solo than he does with your folks. So, make time to be alone with each party. Maybe it’s waking up early to have coffee with your parents or taking a walk with your mom. It could be planning a little late night date with your man when you know your parents won’t want to go out. Squeeze in that quality one on one time and everyone will feel more satisfied by the trip.

Don’t forget yourself

I don’t think you need me to remind you that a trip home isn’t a vacation. It can actually feel like a lot of work. So, don’t forget to take care of yourself during the trip, or at least immediately after. If you’re able to slot in some alone time or work outs during the trip home, go for it. If that feels impossible, plan some downtime when you get back from the trip. Something decadent like a massage would be amazing, obviously, but something as simple as ten minutes of meditation could also do the trick. Take care of yourself because you’re important!

Good luck with the visit home and enjoy your summer. I know I’ll be enjoying mine! Would love to hear about your plans. Let me know in the comments below or tweet me!
