Tag Archives: texting

What Do His Mixed Signals Mean?

Woman looks for clarity on how to read his mixed signals
One minute he’s all over you, the next he’s avoiding all contact with you. One moment he’s desperate to see you, the next he’s always too “busy” to see you. What’s going on? Why is he giving you mixed signals, and what can you do when a man gives you mixed signals? It’s funny because I get these emails from women all the time, asking me, “Why is my guy acting like this?” Read more

#AskPatti: Text dumping, drunk cheating, not being ready for relationships & more!

Ask Patti Stanger
Hello again, my lovelies. Another week has gone by and it’s time for another #AskPatti! Writing this is one of my favorite weekly activities. I hope that reading it is one of yours, too! Relationships and finding love are always going to be confusing. And I’m always going to be here to answer the questions dating inevitably brings up. Let’s get to it! Read more

The #1 Reason You Can’t Meet Men

Have you ever asked yourself the question, “Why can’t I meet men?” If you’re reading this my guess is you probably have, and I’m about to reveal the biggest mistake women make with men, and it’s a mistake almost guaranteed to keep you single for the foreseeable future! Are you ready to hear the truth? Read more

Don’t Make THIS Mistake When You Text Men

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Dating in the Digital Age… are your communication skills keeping you from finding love?

Texting man distracted by not looking for love
Aziz Ansari is right! Text messaging has the power to ruin dating. The aggravation and exasperation he expresses to Conon O’Brien in this clip about dating in the digital age is exactly what I coach my clients to work against. Back in the days before the text message, when a man called a woman and asked her on a date, he didn’t have the option of sending a quick note to cancel at the last minute. He showed up like he said he would, and they had the opportunity to communicate in person. There was intimacy in this process because communication was direct, respectful, and responsive. Read more

Would You Rather Date A Man Or A Robot?

Would you date a robot?
I have a serious question for you ladies today. Would you date a robot? If an robot turned up in your bedroom, and said in his little robot voice, “I...can…make…you…happy” would you make him your boyfriend? If he looked at you with those cute robotic eyes, and told you he loved you, would you give him a chance? Are you open to a relationship with a robot? Read more