Tag Archives: sex
Dear Emily,
I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years, and love him to bits. He's great! The only thing that kinda gets me down is that he doesn't last as long as he used to. He says that he's just too turned on, which I guess I understand, but he doesn't try to help me finish. What can I do to help him last longer? And how can I get him to understand that he should be helping ME orgasm too, not rolling over and passing out? Read more
Dear Emily,
About 5 years ago, I had a casual sex relationship with a man and it was the best sex I’ve ever had. We went on a few dates, but there was no intellectual connection. And that was fine, since neither of us were looking for anything serious.
Fast forward to now: I broke up with my boyfriend about a month and a half ago and recently texted my old booty-call asking if he is single. He is, but he mentioned that he is looking to change that. Now, I know we don’t have a connection, we will never have a relationship and we’ve both said we’re over the casual sex thing. However, I haven't been physically satisfied for over five years with anyone except for him. Read more
To blow or not to blow, that is the question.
To kiss or not to kiss, that is the question.
To touch or not to touch, that is the question.
What is the true definition of sex? Read more
Hi Emily,
I've been with my boyfriend for around 8 months and have still never had a REAL orgasm during sex. And as if this isn’t bad enough, my partner has no idea, because I’ve gotten into the habit of faking it. I know, it’s terrible!
Now I’m tired of pretending and am ready for the real deal, but don’t know how to confess my sin. I want to be honest with him, because it’s not fair to him or to me, but I feel like it will break him if I tell him the truth. How do I approach this?
Alexa Read more
Being in a relationship is hard work. And that hard work is constant. It’s not like a job you can clock in and out of. A relationship is round the clock, 24 hours a day, non-stop, open at all hours work. And it can be exhausting. I talk to couples all the time who are just exhausted from the work it takes to keep their relationship functioning. I normally advise these couples to reframe the work they’re doing. Instead of viewing it as work, I try to get them to think of their relationship maintenance as habits. Read more
A couple of years ago, I was with this beautiful woman.
She was sexy. She was great. She was dynamic.
But, in her 39 years on this planet she had never achieved an orgasm with a man. Read more