Tag Archives: sex tips
Let me guess. You don’t have orgasms as often as you’d like. You’re annoyed that your partner doesn’t know what to do to get you there. You can’t remember the last time you had an orgasm, or if you’ve ever had one in your life. Read more
Remember those lazy Saturday afternoons you’d spend in bed making out with your husband? Yeah. Not so much when kiddos are in the picture. There are breakfasts to be made. Cartoons to be watched. Birthday parties to be attended. Plus, kids don’t really understand the idea of privacy. They’ll barge in whenever they feel like it and if it’s when you feel like it, well, that can lead to some awkwardness. You know what I’m talking about—the sex walk in. Here’s how to react if your little darlings turn into the ultimate cock-blocks and walk in on you during sex:
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Have you ever been going down on a guy, and suddenly you start to realize he’s not getting hard for you? I bet there were a hundred things going through your mind at that point.
“Why isn’t he turned on by me? What am I doing wrong? Isn’t he attracted to me anymore?”
I was talking to a client of mine about this the other day. He asked me, “David, sometimes a woman will be going down on me and I won’t be able to get hard. I’m fine when we’re having sex. What’s wrong with me? Has it happened to you before?”
I couldn’t help but smile and say, “Yes. It’s happened to me more than once too!” Read more
I have a confession today. A little secret you could say. It’s a secret men have kept from you ladies since the beginning of time. If a woman can’t describe what she wants from me sexually, I don’t get turned on. Men love a recap.
We’re wired that way. Think about what happens when men sit around watching football. We turn that commentary up full blast. We don’t really need it. We can see what’s happening on the screen. But we love listening to the announcer talk about a play over and over again. Men are primarily visual creatures, but we love to hear you!
If you really want to turn a man on, sure sexy underwear is great. We love to see your body, and we love to watch you while we’re making love. But what really gets men going is sex commentary!
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This is going to be a fun one.
Okay, where do I start…
I started seeing a girl recently who’s younger than I am. I mention this upfront because I believe it has direct influence on the story. I mean, I’m not breaking any laws but she’s more than ten years younger than I am, which makes her from a different generation.
When I first met her I didn’t think it was a big deal. Socially, I mean. I still don’t. I did feel like a cliché for a brief moment, older guy with hot young girl, but eventually figured you can’t help who you’re attracted to. Nor should you try.
If she was up for it, I definitely was too.
We liked being around each other, had great chemistry and were both interested in taking it to the next level.
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It’s that time of year. The weather is really warm, well into the nighttime hours. For all of you who have sex on the brain — that can lead to thinking about doing the dirty out in nature. Admit it, you’ve thought of it. There’s no shame. Getting down out in nature seems so romantic. It’s totally something characters in a Nicholas Sparks novel would do... in a field, surrounded by flowers and tall grass... Ryan Gosling... yep. We’re not characters in a Nicholas Sparks novel, though. So in real life, is sex outdoors as sexy as it seems or is it totally tacky? Well, it’s kind of both. Here are some pros and cons of outdoor sex.
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