Tag Archives: sex advice
I was having a conversation with a lady I coach earlier. She was telling me about a guy she started dating a while ago. He’s having some problems with his business, and he’s not dealing with it that well. She also thinks he has some anger problems too. He can be very aggressive, and speaks to her in a pretty mean way some times.
I told her he didn’t sound like the type of guy she should be with. What do you think she said to me?
“But David, he’s a sexy guy, and we have great sex”
I was stunned. Read more
WOW! You all really delivered with amazing #AskPatti questions this week. I couldn’t quite answer all of them. But, I jammed as many as I possibly could into this one little column. Jump right in and see if I answered your question! Read more
My mother taught me early on to pay attention to the red flags. She said, “Emily, the issues you have with a man on the third date you will have forever.” I didn’t always want to believe her, but the more I’ve dated the more I realize she was right. You need to pay attention to the red flags in dating from the very beginning. Real life isn’t a romantic comedy. If you hated a person in the beginning, you’re probably going to hate them in the end.
It’s easy to ignore the red flags waving in the background when your new love interest is just so darn attractive and easy to talk to. It’s even easier to make up excuses, like you’re just having fun so it doesn’t matter if he’s an alcoholic, cheater, or a gigantic man-child. Read more
I got into this business because I love love. Really, there’s no one who’s more smitten with romance than I am. But, that doesn’t mean that I don’t love sex too. Those two often go hand in hand! Or something else in something else, if you know what I mean. And I’m here to share with you the one secret that will make your sex life a million times better. Are you ready for it? Ok, here it is—Communication! That’s right. Not kegels or costumes or whipped cream. It’s good old fashioned communication that’s going to heat up your sex life. And here’s how to do it. Read more
Vroom, vroom, vroom . . .
No, this isn’t a car commercial. This post is dedicated to all the women who have become addicted to their vibrators. I once dated a woman who was completely addicted to a vibrator the size of a horse. You know the one . . . it’s supposed to be a back massager. You plug it in, straddle it like a pony, put it on full speed, and kick back and ride it like a bucking bronco. Because of this addiction, there was no way I could get her to cum. No matter what I did – whether I used my tongue, my finger or my joystick – I could not sensate her body like her vroom vroom stick. Read more
I know what it’s like to be several months or years into a relationship and feel like that zip-zap-zoom has dwindled down a blip-bleep-bloop. It’s tough to keep the sexy factor up there when the everyday-life-factor is in there. Who feels sexy when you see your dude accidentally put on his tighy-whiteys backwards every morning? Well, no matter where you are in your relationship, here are five ways you can seduce your man and crank up that sexy factor for the night. Read more