Tag Archives: pickup lines

The Magical Power Of A Smile

I was in WholeFoods the other night, loading up on some groceries. As I was leaving and walking into the parking lot, this woman was loading her groceries into the back of her BMW station wagon. She saw me and smiled at me. I smiled back. Ahhh, the magical power of a smile. I'm going to explain to you what a smile does to a man and what it triggers inside his brain, and why you should be smiling more. Read more

5 Signs It’s A Good First Date Before You Even Say a Word

First dates can be the kind of magic that gives Criss Angel a run for his money. They can also be the kind of hell that makes taking an ice pick to the funny bone sound pleasant. That’s the thing with first dates, they’re a total crapshoot. You could win big in the love department or end up with, well, crap! I have five signs that should help you determine if your first date is going to be amazing or if it’s just another first date dud before the date even starts. Read more

Online Dating Opening Lines You Should Never Use

Online dating or dating via apps (that’s still online dating…or is there another word for that?) is not easy. You HAVE to do it if you’re single and want to meet someone, though. Did you read that? It’s a must. No questions about that. Relying on in person connections exclusively is like running a mile with your feet tied together. You might get to the end, but man, is there an easier way. In online dating, the rules are a little different than with in person meetings. Women can and should make the first move online. The only catch is that it’s tough and easy to fall into the trap of starting with an opening line that’s going to get you nowhere. To help you avoid that, here are 5 opening lines you should never use on online dating. Read more

Guys don’t like being hunted, so girls, why are you hunting?

A girl on the prowl, hunting for a man
I often wonder this question when I scope out the scene at a nightclub or while watching reality TV like The Real World or The Real Housewives franchise, or even in my personal life observing strangers, friends and friends of friends interacting with guys. I can’t help but notice one common denominator between them all: that more times than not, the girls were pursuing the guys first, or what I like to call ‘hunting’. And I always think the same thing to myself, ‘if only she knew what she is doing is actually a big turn off’. In this article I’m going to tell you why no girl should never ever, ever be a ‘hunter’. Read more

AskJustin: Hooking up instead of dating and pickup lines

Ask Justin Bird
Do people date anymore? It seems as if there are so many superficial relationships that are just for hookup purposes?Amanda, 26 Manhattan, NY
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AskJustin: Communicating in online dating & judging the first date

Ask Justin Bird
So what's a good opening email when messaging someone on online dating? I can never think of anything to say besides Hey how are you? Brooke, Oxford, Miss.
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