Tag Archives: love
Be available.
How many of you have written letters to your future lover?
How many of you have written to your future partner?
How many of you have written letters to your future wife or your future husband?
Sounds kind of corny in a way to most of you, right? But if you don't write a letter to your future lover or your future partner, how are they ever going to energetically receive it?
I was sitting at lunch today with my friend, Brad. Read more
It’s all about having an attitude of gratitude. Seriously, that’s the big secret to a happy and fulfilling life. All you need to do is be grateful for what you have and you’ll be living a wonderful life. Of course, that’s easier said than done. And it really gets tough if you feel like your man isn’t viewing your relationship with an attitude of gratitude. So many women I talk to complain about this. They don’t feel appreciated by their man and it bums them out. I don’t blame them. I feel so crummy when I’m in a relationship like that. So, I noodled up some pointers to help you get through this craptastic feeling and hopefully move to a place where you feel valued in your relationship. Read more
Everywhere you look now, it's all about self-love.
Care for yourself.
Be mindful.
Embrace and love your inner child.
Forgive your parents for the stories that they have given you that have made you live your life in a way that was not uniquely yours.
Look in the mirror and embrace your flaws, and tell yourself how amazing and beautiful you are. Read more
I’ve been watching The Bachelorette this season. Well, I watch it every season. Love that show! This season seems to be moving particularly quickly in terms of declared emotions and particularly slowly in terms of information. The men seems to already be announcing their love for JoJo without having much time with her, sharing much about themselves or learning much about her. Of course, there’s probably a lot going on off camera or on the editing room floor that we’re not seeing. Believe me, I know that reality shows are just slices of what’s really going on and often not the full picture. Read more
MAKE HIM FEEL LOVED!! I'm the queen of the "I'm too busy" excuse. And I know it’s such a lame thing to say. What “I’m too busy for that” really means is “I’m not prioritizing that.” And sure, sometimes that’s fine. Being too busy to watch all the TV you want or being too busy to make tomato sauce from scratch when there’s perfectly good jarred sauce is fine. But, when you’re too busy to make your boo feel loved? Well, that’s a big problem. Read more
[caption id="attachment_17994" align="alignright" width="300"] Masters of illusion and marketing[/caption]Sometimes I think, when I'm on an online dating site, that women are either: A – masters of illusion, or B - understand marketing really well.
As I peruse through the pictures, I think the majority of women over the age of 40 are masters of taking angle picture shots.
I see pictures from above, I see pictures from the side, I see pictures from a 90 degree angle. Every single picture I see of a woman over the age of 40 is from an angle. It is never face on. If it is face on, it's always from a distance.
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