Tag Archives: Fall In Love

5 Things single girls need to do now to find a man

Hey single girls! This one’s for you. If you’re sitting there wondering why you’re single, keep on reading. I’ll tell you! It’s because you’re not doing these five very simple things. If you do all five of my recommendations below, I’ll guarantee you find yourself with a great man in a great relationship in now time. So, let’s get to it. Get busy Read more

How to fall in love when you don’t have time

It’s safe to say that we all want to fall in love. Or, at least all of us on this website, right? I can’t imagine anyone caring about the things I have to say if they’re not into the idea of finding true love. Anyway, I think it’s also safe to say that none of us have enough time in the day. So, how do you find love when you don’t have the time to? Here are my tips. Read more

36 questions to find love: Experiment RESULTS

Having been a matchmaker for close to 20 years, I was fascinated by the New York Times article about the 36 questions survey to fall in love, and knew I had to put my curiosity into action! Last month I banded together with 6 of my fellow matchmakers and we planned an event where 24 individuals were set up at a bar and asked to go through the 36 questions as a couple. Read more

Is Time Running Out For You To Find Love?

Woman worries about time running out for love
You’ve just woken up, and as you lay in your bed, you start to hear this strange tick tick ticking sound. All the clocks in your home are digital, so you spend the next hour going out of your mind trying to figure out where it’s coming from. You turn your home upside down, looking for some old alarm clock you’d forgotten about, and then it hits you! It’s not a mysterious old clock. It’s your own internal “relationship clock” ticking! It almost feels like a real sound you can hear. Read more