Tag Archives: dating

5 Places to meet a man this winter

One of my single girlfriends recently said something like, “Well, there goes 2016. I’m single until spring 2017!” I was so shocked. She’d completely given up on finding love for the next six months because she thinks that if you’re not with someone by the end of fall, you’re basically done for. She’s never met anyone during the wintertime. This woman is fantastic and smart and sexy and such a catch. I was shocked that she’d ever have a hard time meeting someone, so I had to dig a little deeper. And once I did, I realized what was going on. My friend wasn’t meeting anyone during the winter because she wasn’t putting herself out there during the winter. Read more

Why Dating A Married Man Is Romance Ghetto

How many of you have dated married men? I hear this all the time. “I've waited four years for him to leave his wife.” “I know he's going to leave his wife soon, he promises.” Some men even put up their lover in an apartment so they can have it when they want. But listen. You are never, ever, allowed to date a married man ever again. And I want to tell you why. First off, you are going into a triangle. A triangle of doom. Read more

3 Reasons it’s actually a good thing to date someone you work with

You’ve definitely heard the old expression, “Don’t shit where you eat.” When people say it, they’re normally referring to the advice of not dating someone you work with. And sure, there’s sound logic there. Dating someone who’s not connected to you professionally is certainly less messy. But, it’s also hard advice to follow. You’re at work a lot and it’s an easy place to meet people. And, believe me, I know it can be difficult to find time outside of work to meet the right men. (Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. I’m all about prioritizing romance, but that doesn’t mean I think it’s easy!) So, romance at just work and here’s why I think it can actually be a good thing. Read more

How to date like a millionaire on a budget

When I watch episodes of my show and even look at the dates my current millionaire clients take their dates on, my mouth starts to water a bit. Dating like a millionaire seems so wonderful. But, it’s not possible for most of us here in the real world. Spending thousands of dollars on one date is just an insane concept when you don’t have a millionaire’s bank account. I came up with a few ways for you to date like you have an unlimited budget even when you have a very limited budget. Read more

3 Reasons single ladies should date younger

I’m not sure if it’s something in the air or what, but I feel like all of my single girlfriends are really hitting a wall when it comes to dating recently. Every single one of them! One of my besties actually said to me the other day, “I think I’ve dated every man on the internet. There’s no one left!” So, I looked at her apps and saw that her search criteria were set to search for men her age or older. I had to seriously convince her to give me control of her apps, but she finally caved. I tweaked her age specifications to make her open to dudes 15 years younger and suddenly, it was a whole new world of dating! A week and two first dates later and my friend was converted to younger guys. Read more

When its OK for women to be hunters

By now you know I truly believe that men are hunters. It might be biological or it might be socialized, I’m not sure. No matter how they get that way, they just are. Men like to go after what they want and the more of a chase and struggle it is to catch it, the more valuable the prize is. That’s why I tell women to let men hunt them. It sounds way more violent than I mean it, though. What I mean is play the game. Let the chase happen. Don’t make it easy for dudes. Your relationship has more of chance of flourishing if you follow these old school rules. They’re old school for a reason! They work. If they didn’t, they’d just be forgotten rules. But, for every rule, there’s an exception. And in this case, there are three exceptions. Here are three times it’s OK for women to flip the script and be the hunters themselves. Read more
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