Tag Archives: dating
Why Accurate Pictures Is The First Step To Find True Love
I'm going to share a story that was sent to me today. It’s a story that a lot of people need to hear and understand immediately. Read more
If you’re single and looking for a relationship, you HAVE to be online dating. Chances are that you’re on more than one site or app. Most of my friends are on three or four. Managing your online dating profiles and communication can feel like a full time job! And if you’re a millionaire, buckle up because there are extra steps to do and special attention you need to pay to make sure you’re getting the most out of these apps. Here are my tips.
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I live in Los Angeles, and in Los Angeles right now there's this gigantic real estate bubble going on.
Prices are through the roof again. Prices have been so hot you don't even know what to do. You have to sit on the sidewalk, and you wait.
You wait for the prices to go down, fill your life with other things, see what's going to happen. Kind of sounds like dating.
[caption id="attachment_17978" align="alignright" width="300"] Inside Your Dating Bubble[/caption]There's a dating bubble that exists.
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Most of my single girlfriends get really nervous for first dates. And of course that’s understandable. First dates can be mega stressful. But, they’re actually not that important in the scheme of things. If a first date goes badly, there’s nothing on the line. Sure, you’ve wasted your time, but there’s not a ton of emotion that you’ve invested into this person. You can walk away completely unscathed. If a third date goes poorly, it feels a lot more high stakes. And I actually think a third date is the most important date of a relationship. Here’s why.
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Several of my good friends and I are single right now and we’re in constant communication about our dates. It’s really fun to have this massive group text going. I love the updates and I feel super supported as I dip my toes back into the dating pool. One thing I’ve noticed that’s been bugging me, though, is that my friends are super harsh when they have a bad date. They’ll be mad that they wasted time on a dud and really negative about the whole experience. Here’s the thing…I actually don’t think there’s such a thing as a bad date. There’s always something positive to take away. If you don’t believe me, think about these three things.
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When you're newly dating your boo, it seems like everyone and their mother feels like it’s their cue to ask you super annoying and very intrusive questions. "Have you decided to be monogamous?" "Is he the one?" "Have you said the L-word yet?" "When can I meet him?" You know these questions only come from a good place, but the thing about good places is that they’re often pretty annoying places, too! So, here are three ways to shut down your well-meaning friends and family members who won’t stop asking about your relationship without insulting them.
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