Tag Archives: dating tips
Alright, Valentine’s Day is over (thank god), but that’s no reason to stop looking for a quality relationship.
I was on a panel with Patti Stanger, Celebrity Blogger Extraordinaire Perez Hilton, Cosmopolitan Sex and Relationship Editor Anna Breslaw, and Chief Scientific Advisor to Match.com Dr. Helen Fisher. We celebrated the 4th annual Singles in America study study– the most comprehensive study on singles. Read more
We’ve all blurted out something inappropriate on a first date, whether you rehash the time you were stoned and ate your grandma’s Birthday cake, or admit you got dumped by your last three partners for being too needy. Of course, that is not to say you shouldn’t be yourself. Just follow these 5 Tips for a First Date and you should be okay! Unless you have an incredibly dull personality (just kidding, you’re great). Read more
Yay! It’s my favorite time of the week! Time to answer your #AskPatti questions. I got into matchmaking because I love helping people fall in love. I just never dreamed I’d be doing it on this big of a scale! I’m getting questions from all over the world and it feels so, so awesome to be able to offer you love, relationship and sex advice. Alright, on to this week’s questions! Read more
Dating plays a vital role in the matchmaking process. This is where my clients get to practice. Meeting with a matchmaker is the classroom experience, while dating is the hands on, field experience—offering an opportunity to get out there and find who and what exactly works for them.
As a Matchmaker I supply my clients with invaluable feedback after each date, but my tips before a date are what I stress when first working with a client.
Whether you are looking for advice to share with your own clients, or are eager to plan a successful date for yourself, I guarantee that incorporating these 11 dating tips will make the dating experience more successful, and enjoyable! Read more
In Los Angeles, we are blessed with the gift of unlimited options.
During the winter, we have the choice of heading to the mountains to ski , the beach for some sun or to the valleys for some wine tasting.
When we order our dinner, we can choose the dressing on the side, gluten free, egg whites only, hold the bread please- option from the menu.
So, when it comes all the options in the gay world of dating, why do we often forget that even have options available at all? Read more
I keep hearing this ridiculous statement spouted by bitter women all around the globe, and it drives me nuts. If men don’t like commitment, why are so many men in a committed relationship?
I hate blanket stereotypes like this one. In all my years as a dating and relationship expert, the only women I hear say these kinds of things have been hurt in the past. Most of them have a grudge against men in general. Read more