Tag Archives: dating tips
Did that get your attention? I knew it would.
How did that statement make you feel?
Your ex sucks.
They are a complete pain in the butt.
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[caption id="attachment_17994" align="alignright" width="300"] Masters of illusion and marketing[/caption]Sometimes I think, when I'm on an online dating site, that women are either: A – masters of illusion, or B - understand marketing really well.
As I peruse through the pictures, I think the majority of women over the age of 40 are masters of taking angle picture shots.
I see pictures from above, I see pictures from the side, I see pictures from a 90 degree angle. Every single picture I see of a woman over the age of 40 is from an angle. It is never face on. If it is face on, it's always from a distance.
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I’ve discussed it on this site a million times. Online dating and dating apps are must-dos if you’re looking for love. There is absolutely no room to negotiate there. If you’re not looking for love online, you’re simply not trying. End of story. That being said, online dating isn’t a walk in the park. It’s a whole lot of work and can get exhausting, especially dating apps like Tinder. So, I thought that I’d talk to real women who found love on Tinder and pick their brains for important lessons we single girls can learn from their success. I found their answers to be super interesting and I hope you do, too!
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I live in Los Angeles, and in Los Angeles right now there's this gigantic real estate bubble going on.
Prices are through the roof again. Prices have been so hot you don't even know what to do. You have to sit on the sidewalk, and you wait.
You wait for the prices to go down, fill your life with other things, see what's going to happen. Kind of sounds like dating.
[caption id="attachment_17978" align="alignright" width="300"] Inside Your Dating Bubble[/caption]There's a dating bubble that exists.
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We'll go ahead and blame youth and inexperience on this, but have you ever sat back and looked at an ex you don't even have an ounce of feelings for on facebook and think (why you even looked you have no clue)…"wait a minute… I dated him… like, actually dated him...". You start to feel like that took place in a different lifetime or alternate universe. You go to take a good hard look in the mirror and believe that there is no physical possible way the girl staring back at you actually is the same girl that dated said guy. Read more
First dates can be the kind of magic that gives Criss Angel a run for his money. They can also be the kind of hell that makes taking an ice pick to the funny bone sound pleasant. That’s the thing with first dates, they’re a total crapshoot. You could win big in the love department or end up with, well, crap! I have five signs that should help you determine if your first date is going to be amazing or if it’s just another first date dud before the date even starts.
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