Tag Archives: dating tips
A first date is full of such opportunity. An opportunity to meet someone new. An opportunity to fall in love. An opportunity to make a bad impression. Really, that’s what makes first dates so stressful — the idea that you could ruin something great by doing something super small, but super terrible. Even though dating is my business, I still get nervous for first dates for this very reason. But the truth is, that as long as you’re being yourself, there’s very little that can go wrong. Just avoid these few small things that can totally make a bad first impression.
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Even though Christmas is always December 25, does it feel like it came a little early this year, especially when it comes to your brand-new relationship? Gift giving is pretty intimate. And if you’re under six months with your man, holiday gifting can feel really premature. But with Christmas music on the radio, the insane amount of gift commercials and the general seasonal merriment, it’s not like you can avoid the holidays just because your relationship isn’t ready yet. So I’ve noodled up some general rules to make holiday gifting as easy for new couples as possible. Here they are.
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It’s the most wonderful time of the year... if you’re in a couple! I know, the holidays can be rough when you’re single. I’ve been there. Many times. One year I was so bummed, I binge ate enough Ben & Jerry’s that I was pretty sure kids were going to start thinking I was Santa! But guess what? I made it through that holiday season and so many more. Single girl, you can survive the holidays too. Here’s how.
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"Creepy" is a pretty negative term, yet unfortunately, it’s one that women use a little too often to describe guys. The annoying thing is, the vast majority of guys branded as "creepy" are done so unfairly. The truth is these guys are usually cool, calm, confident men in every other aspect of their lives who just can’t seem to convey that to the women they meet. This typically happens because either they’re nervous and fearful of rejection or they have no idea what to say.
But women don’t know this. They don’t know you’re nervous; they don’t know that you are questing what to say. All they know is that something does not feel right about you when you approach them, and therefore you become creepy.
So how does a guy approach a woman and avoid being labeled as creepy?
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Tech boys. They’re creative, smart, driven and, yeah, tend to have money. Not a bad combination, huh? Tech fellas used to be only in Silicon Valley, which is quite the commute for most of America. The good news is that the tech-based start-up boom is expanding. Now the tech community is pretty national. So no matter where you live, there’s probably a tech metropolis nearby. Here are five lesser-known tech cities teeming with tech boys who could be beaming for new love.
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Time for some myth busting on PattiKnows. You know the expression, “opposites attract”? Well, it’s not always true -- at least when it comes to love. In romance it’s your commonalities that make you compatible for the long haul. Of course, there will be some differences between you and your boo, even if he’s your perfect match. That’s what keeps things spicy and interesting! But there are five important factors you need to have in common for your relationship to last. I call them The Five Senses.
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