Tag Archives: dating questions

3 Amazing responses to annoying dating questions

When you're newly dating your boo, it seems like everyone and their mother feels like it’s their cue to ask you super annoying and very intrusive questions. "Have you decided to be monogamous?" "Is he the one?" "Have you said the L-word yet?" "When can I meet him?" You know these questions only come from a good place, but the thing about good places is that they’re often pretty annoying places, too! So, here are three ways to shut down your well-meaning friends and family members who won’t stop asking about your relationship without insulting them. Read more

The Worst Dating Question You Can Ever Ask A Man

I'm about to reveal the worst question you can ever ask a man on a first date, or soon after you've met him. It's something I hear all the time, and I'm going to explain exactly why it's the worst question you can ask. Read more