Tag Archives: dating advice

When its OK for women to be hunters

By now you know I truly believe that men are hunters. It might be biological or it might be socialized, I’m not sure. No matter how they get that way, they just are. Men like to go after what they want and the more of a chase and struggle it is to catch it, the more valuable the prize is. That’s why I tell women to let men hunt them. It sounds way more violent than I mean it, though. What I mean is play the game. Let the chase happen. Don’t make it easy for dudes. Your relationship has more of chance of flourishing if you follow these old school rules. They’re old school for a reason! They work. If they didn’t, they’d just be forgotten rules. But, for every rule, there’s an exception. And in this case, there are three exceptions. Here are three times it’s OK for women to flip the script and be the hunters themselves. Read more

What kind of texting should you do between dates?

You’ve gone on a couple good dates with a guy. You like him and are excited about the potential you two have, but you’re not actually dating yet. It’s a fun period of a relationship to be in. So much fantasizing about the future, flirting and fun. It’s one of my favorite stages of the dating game! With that all said, it’s also one of the most stressful moments in dating game, too. There’s a lot that can change on a dime, feelings are uncertain and it seems like one little mistake can bring the whole future relationship tumbling down. And that’s why texting feels so high stakes! It’s tough to figure out what’s over texting, what’s under texting, what’s the right thing to send and what’s the wrong thing. Well, let me help you out. Here are some guidelines. Read more

How to tell if he doesn’t want a second date

If you read this site enough, you’ll know that I’m basically obsessed with open and honest communication when it comes to relationships. To make it work with a partner, you need to talk about everything. And I really mean everything. The good, the bad, and the ugly! And place special emphasis on talking about those last two—the bad and the ugly. Because that’s when communication is really important. All of that is true for relationships, but the communication stuff doesn’t really hold water when it comes to dating. In a first date scenario, there is no communication. Read more

How to change your bad dating attitude

Attitude is everything when it comes to, well, everything! Your perspective on your life is your life. If you think everything’s dandy, then everything actually is dandy. If you take a look at your life and all you can see is that poop swirl emoji, then your life is one big giant swirl of poop. With this in mind, I’ve been doing some secret sleuthing with my single girlfriends during our hangouts. I’ve been watching to see if my friends who are positive about dating have better dates and if the ones who are negative about dates have worse dates. My conclusions weren’t surprising, at least not to me. The ones with bad attitudes had many more bad dates than my friends with good attitudes. Read more

How to Help My Partner Last Longer in Bed

Dear Emily, I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years, and love him to bits. He's great! The only thing that kinda gets me down is that he doesn't last as long as he used to. He says that he's just too turned on, which I guess I understand, but he doesn't try to help me finish. What can I do to help him last longer? And how can I get him to understand that he should be helping ME orgasm too, not rolling over and passing out? Read more

Ask Emily: Is a Casual Sex Relationship Right for You?

Dear Emily, About 5 years ago, I had a casual sex relationship with a man and it was the best sex I’ve ever had. We went on a few dates, but there was no intellectual connection. And that was fine, since neither of us were looking for anything serious. Fast forward to now: I broke up with my boyfriend about a month and a half ago and recently texted my old booty-call asking if he is single. He is, but he mentioned that he is looking to change that. Now, I know we don’t have a connection, we will never have a relationship and we’ve both said we’re over the casual sex thing. However, I haven't been physically satisfied for over five years with anyone except for him. Read more
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