
3 Sweet nothings he wants to hear too

Sweet nothings are the best. And that’s a true story. I don’t know any woman who’s ever thought, “Enough with the sweet nothings! I’m getting sick of them.” Too much is never enough when it comes to sincerely sweet things said by your man. And that’s another true story.

Here’s the thing though — men love sweet nothings just as much as we do. But like everything else feelings-related, they just aren’t that vocal about it. So it’s easy to forget they care about sweet talk. But they really, really do. Go ahead and whisper something sweet to your guy tonight, and you’ll see what I mean. If you’re struggling to think of what exactly he’d want to hear, here’s a handy dandy list of three phrases any man would love.

“Hey, handsome”

Two words. You can do that, right? He’ll always love hearing that you find him physically attractive. And it’s especially good to call him handsome if you notice that he’s put some special effort into his appearance. It could be something as little as a new haircut or actually ironing his collar or something as big as losing a few pounds or finally shaving that goatee you hate. Whatever the case, reward him with a little positive reinforcement, and it’ll do wonders for his ego.

“You do that better”

Your guy may talk the strong guy talk, but I guarantee that he’s an insecure little 13-year-old boy on the inside. Every man is. And it takes so little to threaten them. And I mean so little. I’m talking a kissing scene in a movie little. One of my girlfriends dated a guy who was jealous of how much she liked Ryan Gosling in The Notebook. Seriously, that happened! When you sense he’s getting a little itchy about something another man did, just remind him that you think he does that better, and he’ll feel a million times better. You think he’s a better kisser than Ryan Gosling. You think he’s a better dancer than Ryan Gosling. You think he’s a better shirt-taker-offer than Ryan Gosling. Well, maybe skip the last one. He’ll totally know you’re lying.

“Let’s do it your way”

Get ready to rack up the brownie points because this is a real winner. Before you even get into an argument about something, just announce that you’re going to do it his way. It can be anything from sex to directions for marinating chicken. It really doesn’t matter what. He’ll just love hearing those sweet words.

What’s the sweetest thing a guy has ever said to you? That you’ve said to him? Let me know in the comments below. I’m in a mushy, gushy mood and can’t wait to get all sappy reading these.
