The Men's Room - Love and Relationship Advice From a Man For Women

Stop Freaking Out About Love!

Woman worries about finding loveDid any of you see the HBO standup show by Louis C.K?

He called it, “Oh My God.”

Honestly, if you haven’t watched it yet, I urge you to get a copy online. It’s incredibly funny and accurate. Louis C.K is a great comic anyway, and one of the best at observational comedy, and in this show he does a great routine about dating. What makes the thing so hysterical is how accurate and true to life it is.

He looks at dating through the eyes of both men and women, and he also agrees with me about a point I make to you ladies all the time. Going out with a strange guy on a date takes a massive amount of courage. If it’s a guy you don’t really know that well it’s almost insane!

But here’s the point I really want to make…

Dating should be something you like doing, not something that makes you feel like you’re having a panic attack, right?

The same way the guys freak out about what to say, when to say it, and how to say it on a date, women do exactly the same. You spend so much time in your head worrying about things you forget to enjoy the experience. You forget to enjoy the connection you’re making as two human beings. Dating should be something you like doing, not something that makes you feel like you’re having a panic attack, right?

It’s an opportunity for two people to get to know each other, share a connection, and possibly start an incredible journey together. It’s time to take drama out of dating, it’s time to get out your head, and it’s time to start enjoying the moment, instead of dating as if your life depends on finding a man.

I want you to watch this clip from the C.K show, and actually think about how many times you’ve been in these situations. Hopefully, it’ll make you see how crazy it is putting yourself under so much pressure to find love.

Enjoy it!
