
“Smile!” and other simple acts that will improve your relationship

Keeping a long-term relationship healthy takes a lot of work, good communication and a hearty dose of luck. A long-term relationship is simple in the way that climbing Mount Everest is simple — one foot in front of the other and repeat. No one ever said climbing the tallest mountain in the world was easy, but it really is as simple as walking up a hill. A long-term relationship is simple — respect each other, compromise, keep the spark alive and repeat. Get it? So here are some of the simplest things you can do to keep your long-term relationship chugging along.


When you’ve been with a guy for a long time, it’s easy to forget that something as simple as a smile can make his day. If he’s a good guy — and he better be if he’s your honey — he lives to see you smile. So make his day as often as possible by shining your pearly whites at him. It’ll let him know that you appreciate him and make him all warm and gooey inside.


Remember when you first started dating your guy and you couldn’t stop telling him how handsome he was? Or how smart he was? Or how good he looked in just his briefs? When was the last time you gave him a compliment? Probably not in a while. Make it a point to tell him how fabulous you think he is as often as possible, and I guarantee you two will keep your spark alive.


Plan surprises for your guy every once in a while. Something like a surprise special dinner. Or surprise tickets to a game. Or a surprise night alone in his man cave while you take the kids out. Any little thing you can think of that he wouldn’t do for himself works here. And it’s not the size that matters. It’s the surprise of the event and the thought you put into it.

A full night’s sleep

Now this isn’t really something for you to do for him, but for both of you guys. Focus on getting a full night of sleep as often as possible. Being well rested makes everyone a better version of themselves. And so much of what ruins great relationships is grumpiness, cranky nagging or exhausted frustration. Avoid all that ugliness and get some good shuteye. You two will be the best couple you can be when you’re as well rested as you can be.


This isn’t a little thing you can do to keep your relationship in tip top shape. It’s a huge thing. Monumental. Like, you can see it from space big. Regular sex is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. You simply have to be doing it to have a good relationship. It’s no secret that I’m a fan of the sex date. Mark one night every week on your calendar that’s your sex night and never, ever skip it. You two will be sure to keep the intimacy and the heat alive.
