Don’t give up, but don’t give in either. You said your piece and now let a partner or client sit with it. Silence in stand-offs like these has always been a Libra’s secret weapon
You don’t like newfangled money-schemes, but what’s on offer could work if handled in the right manner.
Stop fussing with solutions that only give you a portion of what you want. Explore ones that lie beyond your current scope and you’ll get more.
Let developments unfold because you’re in the midst of a dramatic transition. The danger would be in hugging familiar landmarks.
Don’t sign off on anything before the early evening. A once-in-a-lifetime offer is followed by something even more unbelievable.
You used to be drawn to serious types, but now that’s no longer the case. You’re looking for something light and breezy. Indulge your inner blonde.