The more you analyze, the more you agonize. Give it a rest. The solution to your troubles will be looking you in the face when you return.
Benevolent Jupiter brings friends who can benefit you. But check to make sure that you’re talking about the same benefits.
Circumstances put you back in touch with someone who used to mean a lot. Maybe this person still does. There’s no time like the present to find out.
Examine who adds to your life and who detracts – and don’t be afraid to toss the detractors overboard. There’s more where they came from if you start missing them.
Are you making more work for yourself? Focus on your side of the fence, let the other party worry about theirs, and you’ll find the proper give-and-take.
You’re never going to bond with that special someone unless you tear up the scorecard and make a fresh start. Today’s a good day to begin.