Why Moms Make Perfect Girlfriends

a mother makes a great girlfriend
You know I love women, but there’s one particular group of women I’m especially fond of, and that’s Moms. The other night was a perfect example of why I think Moms are so amazing. I was out with two clients, and my close friend and fellow coach John Keegan. We decided to eat at a lovely place in Venice called, “Café Gratitude.” It’s a vegan restaurant. I’ve been there before and the food is always good. It’s the kind of place everyone kisses each other and has deep meaningful conversations. Most these conversations end abruptly when someone who’s on some angel path comes along, and diverts the conversation in a completely different direction. Read more

Creating the perfect eyebrow

the three points to create a perfect brow
If you are like me and weren’t blessed with Kim Kardashian’s luscious brows, or grew up in the 90’s where over tweasing your eyebrows was cool,  have no fear I’m here to show you how to fake a good brow.  Read more

#AskPatti: Lying guys, talking your number, guys with “friends” & more!

Guys, wasn’t it just Thanksgiving last week? How do I suddenly feel like I’m behind in holiday shopping? I have a really long list this year, because I have so many people who have been very, very nice to me. But, before I get back out there shopping, I wanted to take a second an answer your #AskPatti questions. Here we go! Read more

You Should Never Be OFF Dating

Anxious woman says she is taking a break from men
Have you ever caught yourself saying things like, “I’m not into men right now. I’m taking a break from dating. I’m staying single?” Have you said to your friends, “I just can’t be bothered with relationships anymore?” Why did you say these things? Did you seriously want time on your own, or did something happen in your past that made you feel like that? Read more

“I Will Make Them Understand”

Have you seen the movie The Little Mermaid? One of the best Disney movies of all time because it had so many great social statements. No, not that a woman that can turn into an octopus and take over a mermaid empire. Though that sounds like fun. But one of the best lines, and it's something a lot of people go into their relationships with: “I will make them understand”. Read more

5 Ways to Be Your Own Matchmaker This Holiday Season!

People gather at a holiday party, part of being your own matchmaker during the holidays
Single this year during the holidays? Great! This is the perfect time of year to get out there and be your own matchmaker. Every holiday season my clients express extra grief about not being in a relationship. They don’t realize that this time of year is a prime time to meet people and expand their social circle. Here are 5 fun ways to be your own matchmaker this holiday season. Read more