3 Things You Can Do If He’s Not Getting Erect

frustrated man can't get erect
You’ve started dating this great guy. You’re ready to take your relationship to the next level, and decide to start having sex. The big night arrives. You smell fantastic. You look gorgeous. You even treated him to a sexy lap dance. To show him how serious you are about him, you go down on him, but once you’re there you see he’s as erect as a string of spaghetti you threw at the wall to see if it was cooked. Now what? You want him to enjoy sex with you. How comes he isn’t hard, and what can you do about it? Here are three things to think about… Read more

Is Your New Years Resolution To Find A Career You Love?

Happy New Year! The parties are over, we’ve had our fill of food and drink, and now it is time to move on to our New Year’s resolutions. There are so many to consider, from losing weight to learning a new language, but according to USA.gov one of the most popular resolutions each year is to find a better job. Read more

Top 10 Sex Podcasts in 2013

woman listens to sex podcasts
Thanks everyone for making this the best year of Sex with Emily yet. I couldn't do it without all the amazing (and sexy) porn stars, experts, and courageous men and women who shared their sex and relationship stories with me. And of course I couldn't do it without my listeners. Read more

You’ll find love when you least expect it…or will you? (Part 1)

woman searches for love, find love when you least expect it?

Being single can feel miserable, and it can become worse when well-meaning friends try to make you feel better. They offer encouragements such as “There are plenty of fish in the sea” or “You still have time.” But one riles me up more than any others: “You’ll find love when you least expect it.” Let’s see….would that kind of thinking work in other areas of life?

You’ll find a job when you least expect it. You’ll find a home when you least expect it. You’ll get a great body when you least expect it. You’ll make money when you least expect it. Of course not. Then why should we take a passive approach to love when we don’t do so in other areas of our lives? We update our resumes, network and spend hours hunting online for a good job. We talk to realtors and bankers and get our finances in order when we buy a home. Although some of us have great metabolisms, the rest of us have to work out and eat healthy to stay in shape. And since money doesn’t grow on trees, we have to work for it, budget it and save it. Read more

5 New Year’s resolutions every single girl should make

woman writes new years resolutions
Hear that? It’s the clock ticking down on 2013. It’s time to say sayonara to last year and hello to 2014. I know it’s cliché, but I love to start a new year off with resolutions. It’s just the perfect time to reflect, set some goals and look forward to making your future even better than your past. I tend to keep my most personal resolutions to myself. I weirdly treat them like birthday wishes and don’t share them because then they might not come true. So, don’t ask me to share mine! But, if you’re a single girl, I have some resolutions that should be on your list for 2014. Read more

Dressed for Big Breasts

Woman dressed for big breast clothing
The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Having big breasts come with a lot of perks (and if you’re lucky, perkiness), but it also comes with quite a few downsides. The size of your breasts unfortunately dictates a lot of your fashion choices, whether you realize it or not. Here are my tips for dressing with big tits. Read more