Dear Emily,
What are your thoughts on morning sex when one person isn’t a morning person? My boyfriend and I have a great sex life, but he gets up early for work and sometimes tries to initiate morning sex. I have never been a morning person, and until I get a cup of coffee, I am not very nice. We have had morning sex before and it was great, but I feel like he would like to do it more often. What would you suggest?
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Feeling a little cranky and anxious? Changing your diet up may help—cut down or eliminate these foods for a healthier and happier attitude. Read more
So, Kimye is officially official! Have you all been drooling over the pics of their wedding like I have? I just can’t get e-frickin’-nough. I love a good wedding and Kim and Kanye know how to throw down. Everything about it was so glitzy and just the right amount of over-the-topness to reflect the bride and groom. I’m a huge fan of Kim and Kanye’s relationship and here are three things I think you can learn from them. Read more
Lately, I've heard a lot of talk about how being single is surprise there! Repeatedly getting your hopes up before a date, only to have it be a total disaster can start to weigh on you, and between all of the online dating sites, apps and communication (texting, emails, gchat, phone calls...) you have to manage, dating can start to feel like a chore. If dating is just one more thing on your to-do list, and exasperates you rather than excites you, you may have a case of singles burnout on your hands. Here is how to get back to a place where dating is more exciting than exhausting. Read more
David, How Do You Get Him To Talk About His Feelings?
Ahh one of the questions I see in my inbox at last 100 times a week (at a minimum.) “How do you get men to open up?” “Why won’t he talk to me?” “Why does he push me away?” Here’s something you need to understand about men. You can’t force a man to talk about his feelings. Asking him how he feels all the time, and bugging him to open up isn’t the way to do it. In fact, the more you push a man to show his emotional side, the more he’s going to run off and hide in his man cave! Read more
From nervous jitters to butterflies in your stomach, it's not unusual to experience a multitude of emotions at once when going on a first date. Going out on a date for the first time shouldn't be a stressful event but rather an enjoyable and relaxed experience. Remember, it takes time to get to know a person well so try not to take your first time dating too seriously. Being yourself and being engagingly mindful can enhance your dating experience all that much more. Read more