5 Ways to tell he’s in love

A man in love with his girlfriend
Those first few months of a relationship can get your heart going like nothing else. I remember when I first started dating David. It was like I had a marching band in my chest 24/7. I still feel heartbeat pitter-patters when I’m with him, but they’re nothing like those massive heartbeat surges of a new relationship. Part of that newbie relationship heartbeat has to do with the excitement of meeting someone you connect with, but it also has to do with the uncertainty of a new relationship. You’re always wondering, could this be love? And that question really gets the heart pumping! To save you from heart palpitations, here’s a little list to use to see if you two are truly falling in love. Read more

3 Amazing things to do on Valentine’s Day when you’re single

A single woman on valentine's day
Hello, my sexy singles! I know on Valentine’s Day it can feel like all eyes are on the couples and no one out there is looking out for the single folks. But, don’t worry, my loves. I haven’t forgotten you! After all, I’ve been single on many a Valentine’s Day and I know that February 14th can be the loneliest night of the year. So, I cooked up three amazing things singletons can do on Valentine’s Day to make the most of the day and ward off the V-Day blues. Read more

5 Signs You Didn’t Get Laid on Valentine’s Day

Man is frustrated on bed that he didn't get laid
Listen up, fellas. I know you hate Valentine’s Day and that it’s a holiday created by a card company and blah blah blah. I like to compare Valentine’s Day to the Superbowl. A lot of women, including myself, could care less about football and in particular the Superbowl. But if I’m in a relationship with someone, I show up to the Superbowl party, root for the same team as my man and bring over some bomb dip (because I’m really good at making dips). I do this because I know it’s important to my man, not because I think the Superbowl is important. This same rule applies for Valentine’s Day. We know that you think it’s a stupid holiday, but it’s important to us ladies, so suck it up for one day and get over it. Read more

#AskPatti: Valentine’s Day gifts & bouncing back from sex too soon

Ask Patti Stanger
Hello, hello! Happy almost Valentine’s Day. Guys, I just came back from shopping and I swear it felt like December 24th at the mall. There were tons of men and women frantically dashing around looking for Valentine’s Day gifts for their boos. I’m so glad I got my V-Day shopping out of the way early. I got my man something special and a lot of little things for other very special people in my life. I firmly believe that Valentine’s Day isn’t just for your lover, but for everyone in your life whom you love. And some of the loves of my life are you guys! I wish I could get a Valentine for every single one of you! But, I can’t, my tweeties. So, I’ll just answer your questions. Read more

5 Tips For a First Date

A couple on their first date
We’ve all blurted out something inappropriate on a first date, whether you rehash the time you were stoned and ate your grandma’s Birthday cake, or admit you got dumped by your last three partners for being too needy. Of course, that is not to say you shouldn’t be yourself. Just follow these 5 Tips for a First Date and you should be okay! Unless you have an incredibly dull personality (just kidding, you’re great).  Read more

A Man’s thoughts on Valentines Day

Ask Justin Bird
Men have a love/hate relationship with Valentine’s day. Some have it down, some don’t. The latter runs to the flower shop the day of to buy what’s left of the roses and then stumbles to the Hallmark aisle for the “perfect” card. #truth Read more