Poor Leo

Leonardo DiCaprio
#PoorLeo. #GiveLeoAnOscar. These hash tags blew up the Twittersphere on Oscars night when Matthew McConaghey took home top honors for Best Actor, sending the popular choice (and my own personal favorite) Leonardo DiCaprio home empty-handed. Luckily The Wolf Of Wall Street actor had his date's shoulder to cry on - if he needed it. He chose the woman on his arm wisely - a woman who loves him unconditionally, who could never be accused of cozying up to him for his money and that alone, a woman who is not and was not ever starstruck by him and his rise to fame - his mommy, Irmelin Indenbirken. Read more

How To Make ‘Your Day’ Your Own

Married couple enjoys their wedding
The most important thing we can impart to our couples is to make it their own. You are only going to do this once so your wedding day should tell your story and have relevance to your courtship, your lives, and all the things you are passionate about and enjoy doing together. Consider what you and your fiancé love and what defines you as a couple (your favorite cocktail, the best meal you ever had, that one song you can't help but get down to, that one painting that you are both drawn to at the museum, the magazine tears you've saved featuring your dream home) and find ways of incorporating those things into your wedding day. Read more

#AskPatti: Not liking guys who like you, waiting for a proposal, liking someone in a relationship & more!

Ask Patti Stanger
Hello, hello! Are you guys feeling what I’m feeling? Spring fever! Spring is so stinking close and I’m so excited. It’s not so much about the weather for me. (I live in LA, so it’s gorgeous basically 365.) I’m more excited about the sense of new beginnings that spring brings. I think it especially applies in the romance department. If you’ve had a crappy winter romantically, shake off those winter icks and dive into dating this spring. Here are some answers to your dating and relationship questions to jump start your spring fever. Read more

How to Tell If a Woman Is a Gold-Digger

A potential gold-digger seduces and older man
Ladies, there are some awful bad habits going around (and even more diseases) that girls in OC, LA, and Las Vegas seem to be catching.  I’ve been around them my whole life growing up in OC/LA so this topic is fresh and I have them all figured out. I’ll preface by saying that most men are horrible at detecting this. So to help the men out there, I've compiled a list of eight dead giveaways: "The gold-dar" Read more

The Female Douchebag

A girl takes a selfie for Instagram
Girls, today we are going to address an epidemic that is sweeping the nation and making a lot of women look really bad. Hopefully this article will help certain individuals recognize their embarrassing and non-feminine behavior and stop ASAP. The female douchebag, or ‘Homo Femalis Bitchius’ is a term coined by generation Y and has been around for quite some time now but really entered our collective memory via Instagram, the social media format based solely on uploading pictures to share your life rather than thoughts or ideas (like Facebook), and it has really created a monster… a douchebag monster. Read more

How to overcome dating ruts

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