Reasons To Enjoy Being Single

If you’re reading this post, there is a good chance you’re single, and are wondering, "What am I doing wrong here?" Well, first of all, see my previous post for possible answers. Second of all, I think a better question is: How can I enjoy this time in my life, when I am not tied down, when I am in fact as free as the proverbial bird and can do anything, anytime, anywhere? That, my friends, is the question... Read more

Why a Relationship Won’t “Complete” You

When you're single, there is always the slight chance that today will be the day when you meet the person you've been looking for, and along with that comes many, many hopes for the future. While looking ahead and being optimistic is always a great thing, it can also put you in a sort of holding pattern when it comes to the present day. Do you find yourself thinking things like: When I have a boyfriend, I will finally be totally happy? If so, you're waiting for a relationship to complete you, to fill a void and then, and only then will you be 100% satisfied with your life. But...what about right now? Don't you deserve 100% right now, today, this moment?  Because what happens when you do fall in love, and it's wonderful and magic...and yet, you still aren't happy or complete. Breaking news! No relationship can complete you. Here is why. Read more

Tell Men What You Want

Today I want to talk to you about how important it is to state your truth when it comes to dating. How many of you know your truth? Do you understand what you want from a man? Do you know what type of man you’re looking for in your life? Read more

Beauty Transformation

In today's world of filters, good angles, good lighting, and photoshop it's hard to tell the truth about beauty and make up from editing.

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Are You Excited for 50 Shades of Grey?

Before the phenomenon known as “50 Shades of Grey,” the names “E.L. James” (the author), “Christian Grey” (the protagonist) and “Jamie Doornan” (the actor playing the aforementioned character in the movie version of the book) didn’t mean all that much. Read more

Why You Should Never Date a Man Who Physically Fights

Ugh, ugh, ugh. Are you reading up on the Orlando Bloom/Justin Bieber fight? Apparently, Orlando and Justin were both at Cipriani in Ibiza. What happened between them is kind of murky. Some folks say a few years ago Justin had a thing (or at least a flirtation) with Orlando Bloom’s then-wife Miranda Kerr. Later, Orlando was spotted with Justin’s on-again-off-again girlfriend Selena Gomez in a potentially romantic situation. It’s unclear if it’s just this history that lead Bloom to swing at Bieber or if something went down that night. But, what we know is that Bloom tried to punch Justin Bieber. Read more