Snooping has become a problem in our social media savvy age. We seem to peek around our partner's profiles more after a failed relationship. But what happens when you find something that pushes your buttons? Do you have a right to talk to your partner about what you found?
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Women! This quiz is for you.
Do all your friends tell you that you treat guys like crap, but you think you just know how you deserve to be treated, which is like a minor deity? Do you walk into a bar and say, “Ew, everyone here is terrible” more than three times a week?
Conversely, do you frequently find yourself planning your wedding to a man you just met yesterday? Do you usually find yourself holding on to a relationship after the guy is long gone and possibly even is married to the girl he dated after you? And has a baby?
If either of the above resonates with you, this handy dandy quiz may help you see if you’re coming off too cold, too hot, or just right, Goldilocks.
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WeLoveDates recently released a survey revealing what twenty five women find unattractive about men. Among all of the answers were some commonalities, things that women across the board and across the world, can't stand about men. Guys, are you guilty of any of these top 5 things women find unattractive in the opposite sex?
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Picture the scene.
An attractive woman arrives at a restaurant ready to meet a blind date. Stepping into the candlelit room she is greeted with a smile and little quip that puts her at ease. It’s baking hot outside, but cool where they sit. Her date feeds her morsels while smoothly ordering champagne. She laughs till her sides ache then they kiss.
In the real world of first dates, there are sadly a few obstacles thrown in our paths to panic or disrupt the romantic tone. Do you tend to sweat profusely when nervous? Do you freeze up on the spot and find yourself grappling for chat? Do you worry they can see your flaws?
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So… let’s say your date turns into a sleepover and you want to show off the fact that you’re a health-oriented dude/chick but you don’t want to shove a green juice in your date’s morning-breath-addled face. Here’s where the delectable yet totally healthy Oatmeal Cookie Smoothie comes in.
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The news of Robin Williams’s suicide broke my heart into a million pieces. I have always been and will always be such a fan of his. Mork and Mindy is one of my all time favorite shows. His stand up always cracked me up, and I loved him as Genie in Aladdin. Losing him is tragic on so many fronts. One of the few silver linings of this tragedy is that it’s raising the profile of depression awareness. Celebrities, organizations and individuals are coming out with words of encouragement and personal stories. It’s really heartening to witness. Depression is a very serious disease that’s very common, which is important for us all to know. Equally as important to know--depression is treatable. It’s not a death sentence at all. With the right support and treatment, people living with depression can lead very rich and very happy lives. But, of course, support and treatment are key to making that happen. So, I thought I’d offer some advice to people who are in relationships with depressed partners.
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