How much is too much: Keep it classy, sassy and not trashy

Makin' Love with Rachel and Destin
Boys and girls, it has come to our attention that most of you simply don’t know how to act on a first date. So let's start on the outside and work our way inside. Ladies, keep your dress or skirt to no more than an inch or two above the knee; keep him curious. Show a little cleavage, but don’t release the twins. And don’t walk out looking like you just robbed Tiffany’s -- when it comes to jewelry, a little shine goes a long way. Read more

Bachelorette fans! My advice to Bachelorette Emily Maynard

Love advice for Bachelorette Emily Maynard
Bachelorette’s newest leading lady is beautiful, young and has a career she loves. She’s the perfect catch for a good guy -- sweet, down to earth and knows what she doesn't want. Prospective suitors have pursued her while grocery shopping. I mean -- Emily is hot! Emily's biggest challenge is going to be how to know when somebody is pulling out the stops because of her and when it's just an act. Read more

3 Tips for baiting a wedding date

Tips for finding a wedding date
Royal wedding or Wedding Crashers, a girl always wants a partner in crime when attending a wedding. Who wants to be sitting alone as a love-struck bride and groom tie the knot and spend the evening gazing into each other’s eyes? It can get even the best of us unattached women scrambling for a prospective plus one. Here's how to deal. Read more

Here’s the deal: There’s a time and a place for casual sex

casual sex relationship
Every woman needs to clear out the pipes once in a while. If you’re not ready for a relationship, casual sex can work. It’s called "friends with benefits" for a reason -- you like the guy, there’s a physical attraction and you have fun together. The benefit is the easy, unattached sex without the regular needs and requirements of a relationship. It’s an arrangement that can be great for those who don’t want to sleep with multiple partners in order to get a little action. It’s all the fun and play without the deeper needs of a relationship... in a perfect world. Read more

Summer flings: Can you handle it?

The pros and cons of summer flings
Blame it on Danny Zuko and Sandra Dee from Grease -- or virtually any other Hollywood summer fairytale that has all of us wired to love (and long for) a fun summer fling. After all, a season that combines gorgeous, shimmery skin and simple clothing with warm weather and fun outdoor fetes practically begs us to plant a kiss on someone. Read more

Paddle balls: Breaking up and making up

Makin' Love with Rachel and Destin
Back and forth. Back and forth. The never-ending cycle of breaking up and making up and breaking up again is almost always a bad idea. Here’s the thing and the rule of thumb -- there’s a reason why you broke up in the first place. Why would you want to go back? Fellas: No matter how great the sex was, is it worth the drama? Ladies: No matter how much you don’t want to be alone, do you really want the zero over the future hero? Read more