Tinder: The latest dating phenomenon. It’s the app that’s literally like thumbing through the pages of a magazine, marking the pictures you like, flipping past the ones what you don’t. Surprised by how many attractive guys that actually reside in Atlanta, I was thumbing (or better yet, swiping) through Tinder, enjoying all the glossy pics of guys from cover to cover.
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Let me guess. You’ve met a great guy who has it all going on. A good job, great biceps, a smile that makes you melt. And just when it seems like everything’s going perfectly, he invites you to come with his group of buddies to watch a game. After an afternoon of uncountable dude burps, horrendous sex conquest stories and feeling like there’s not enough vodka in the whole while world to make the day tolerable, nothing about your relationship feels quite as perfect. Don’t worry, girl. This is common! Meeting a guy’s friends can be more revealing than meeting his parents. (After all, he didn’t pick his parents, but he did pick his friends.) And what it reveals might not be all that pretty. But, the question is…should it change your future with this guy? Well, here are five things you can do when you hate your boyfriend’s friends to help you decide what to do about your relationship.
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Reader Too Much of a Good Thing writes:
I'm 24 years old and in a 2 year relationship with my girlfriend who is 36. In the last year we have had sex only once, but neither of us enjoyed it. Before meeting my girlfriend, I had never been into a relationship and I was addicted to porn. Therefore it takes me an hour or longer to orgasm during sex. In the beginning this was fun because we had a lot of time to experiment etc., but after a while it changed. I still wanted to have sex on a weekly basis, but my girlfriend kept refusing because it took so long and I had to work so hard to orgasm. And then the times we had sex, she was so tense that it hurt her. So now, she automatically links sex with pain and me working my butt off to orgasm.
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When did Los Angeles make me so crazy?
I always pride myself on being the rational one. After all, there’s a reason that I’m the single friend always giving relationship advice. But when the tables are turned and I find myself in the midst of yet another potential lover, my brain goes on overload and I quickly enter the land of "Let’s Overanalyze Everything to the Point of No Return."
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I don’t know about you all, but I was absolutely dying to see Lauren Conrad’s wedding pictures. She has so much style. I just knew her special day was going to be an amazing spectacle and so inspiring. And she didn’t disappoint at all. What I loved the most about the pictures I saw was that she looked like herself. So many brides spend their wedding day dolled up in an uncomfortable dress and makeup that’s so different from what they normally wear that they’re just not themselves at their weddings. Not Lauren Conrad! She rocked her signature beachy waves and winged liner. She simply amped up her normal look with some glitz and glam, instead of totally departing from her daily style. Loved every single thing about it.
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Sometimes I look at the emails I receive and think, “Is this serious? Is this person joking? There’s no way anyone could be writing this to me seriously!”
I had an email like that today. I want to share it with you today. It says…
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