A self-reflexology trick to help relax your mind and fall asleep

... even after a bad date! Do you ever lie in bed struggling to get to sleep while your mind races over the day’s events? Sleep problems are the worst, and they can wreak havoc on your energy, mood, health and ability to function during the day. Here’s an easy self-reflexology technique that will help relax your body and mind so you can drift off peacefully to dreamland no matter how anxious you may be for your date tomorrow night (or the date you're anxious to forget ever happened). Read more

Lingerie picks!

lingerie idea to impress your man
What are you wearing right now? Is it a pair of white grannie panties? There’s no shame in a comfortable pair of briefs. Any woman would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy some nice, cotton, full-coverage undies. But that can’t be all you have in your underwear drawer. You need to mix it up a bit. A few key pieces of smoking hot lingerie can make you feel like the sexy goddess that you are and will keep your man guessing and super excited about your love life. Here are a few lingerie pieces that might seem a little risque, but pushing your lacy limits will totally be worthwhile once you see the effect on your sex life! Read more

Dealing with divorce and dating as a single parent

Anonymous moms, friends, close family-friends and DivaMoms come to me all the time asking for advice on this very touchy particular topic. Here are my thoughts. You have just gone through one of the most emotional, confusing, exhausting and surreal things known to mankind — a divorce. After taking the time to get back on your feet in many ways, you feel you are ready for — can you believe it? — a date! You do not worry about the typical aspects of dating — what to wear, what restaurant to select, topics of conversation — because you are focusing on something far more important — your children. Read more

What I think about The Bachelor breakups

Ben, Courtney, Emily, Jef. They called it quits! To both breakups, I say big whoop. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a huge fan of both shows, and I totally fell for Jef. His eyes. His humor. His style. Swoon. Swoon. Swoon. But you have to be extreme to think that either of these couples had a definite chance. Here’s what you can learn from these TV couples. Read more

To the men: How to approach women and avoid being creepy

"Creepy" is a pretty negative term, yet unfortunately, it’s one that women use a little too often to describe guys. The annoying thing is, the vast majority of guys branded as "creepy" are done so unfairly. The truth is these guys are usually cool, calm, confident men in every other aspect of their lives who just can’t seem to convey that to the women they meet. This typically happens because either they’re nervous and fearful of rejection or they have no idea what to say. But women don’t know this. They don’t know you’re nervous; they don’t know that you are questing what to say. All they know is that something does not feel right about you when you approach them, and therefore you become creepy. So how does a guy approach a woman and avoid being labeled as creepy? Read more

Ever wonder why you can’t find a love that lasts?

Did you ever think that maybe you decided before you reincarnated on earth that you chose to put a lot of appointments in your little black book to hook up with various people on purpose? Some of us are not like others when comes to relationships. You may be that guy or girl whose has a lot of dates, mates or even marriages but seem to be unlucky in love. That's not true -- As a believer of reincarnation there's another reason. It doesn't mean you can't stick with one or that you're a failure in love. It just may mean that you decided before you got here that you wanted to get rid of the karma, in some cases drama, quickly all in one life. Once we get through the cause and effect of karma in past relationships and learn the universe's lesson, it dissipates not to haunt us again. In English that means, next! Read more