Exercise does your sex life good

Why exercise is good for your sex life
If the thought of a great body isn’t enough to get you motivated to workout, think about how it will affect your confidence and, therefore, your sex life. Whether you're married or dating, the man in your life will find it hot that you want to be hot! That should be enough to get even the laziest of couch potatoes and frazzled executives out to get their fitness on. Join a gym, take a cardio class, hop on a bike every weekend -- whatever it is that you like. Read more

Hot mama: Keeping the romance alive while you’re pregnant

Keeping the romance alive during pregnancy
Maybe I haven't carried a baby for nine months, but I know it's important to keep things hot between you and him whether you've just starting dating or you're married and carrying ten pounds of baby weight. Let's face it, your body is curvy and hot and there's no reason you shouldn't get more bang for buck during your pregnancy. My two cents? Your curves deserve lingerie right now. Read more

5 Mantras that will help you stay sane in the dating world

Dating tips for women
Dating doesn't have to be complicated; we make it complicated. I am constantly asked about dating tips for women -- and, by sticking to a few, good rules rather than trying to abide by a boatload of them, you can navigate the dating scene like a pro. Don't clog your brain with "he said, she said" and play it smart. Remember, these rules are not meant to restrict you; they are meant to help. Okay? Now, find a balance between making and breaking your rules. Remember: There's no one right way to do things. Read more