(March 20 - April 19):
Not every trade off results in a step up, but what looks like the short end of the stick could turn out to be a blessing in disguise given time.TAURUS.
(April 20 - May 20):
A friend passes the reins to you, which is great because you know exactly what to do. Just remember to pass them back one day. Read more
Standing up for yourself is an important skill to learn for both your personal and professional lives. It’s even more important to learn how to stand up for yourself without alienating other people. Chances are the you feel the need to stand up for yourself because you want to continue your relationship with the person or people you’re standing up to, just on different terms. If you didn’t, you’d just walk away and hang out with folks who treat your better, right? When it comes to a romantic relationship, this applies, too. Sometimes your boo needs to be reminded how you expect to be treated. Here’s how to do it. Read more

(March 20 - April 19):
You’re into challenges, not exercises in futility. Today’s Moon/Jupiter sextile shows efforts pay off. Put your shoulder to the wheel and you get somewhere.TAURUS.
(April 20 - May 20):
Don’t let impatience goad you into acting prematurely. Wait until the 30th. Someone previously unavailable will be yours for the asking. Read more
Sitting here tonight I started thinking about why I love women so much and where it all started.
My love of women started at a very young age. I loved my mother. I protected my mother. I honored my mother. My mother was batshit crazy, but I loved her. I always made sure she was feeling good.
It was my job in the house to make sure my mother was feeling good. Read more