6 ways to detox from dating

I love love and I want everyone to have it, but that doesn't mean that you should be chasing it 24/7. No way! Taking a break from the dating scene is sometimes the best thing you can do for your romantic life. There are so many reasons why a dating detox could make sense for you. ... you need a rest from the terrible first-date merry-go-round. Hello, that sentence basically describes my 20s! Looking back, I wish I took more dating detoxes instead of jumping headlong into bad date after bad date. It got exhausting and frustrating. ... you need a break after a serious relationship ends. I sure did after my big breakup! I went months before I was ready to date, and I’m so glad I did. I used that time to heal, get to know myself better and realign my priorities. ... you’re just too busy for love. I’ve been there too. Dating the right way takes a lot of time and effort. If you don’t have the hours or the energy to spend right now, wait until you do. You’ll be more successful when the time is right -- love comes when you're ready for it. Read more

How to dress professionally and still be sexy

Sexy wrap dress
Even though I'm in the business of love, I think it's important to dress like a powerhouse. I love my business, and I want to represent it well -- I want to be taken seriously in my workplace, but I also want to show my personality because god knows I have a lot of it! I totally believe you can change your mood by dressing for the best, and I’ve found a nice balance of clothes that portray me as a successful entrepreneur and still give me the sexy edge a working woman deserves. Here's some of my fave brands that get the job done: Read more

Just ask Glynis: “Should they get married?”

Hi Glynis, My daughter keeps going back and forth about whether or not to marry this guy. They are engaged, a date has been set and invitations have gone out. She doesn't call it off exactly - she has sent me a few texts out of nowhere late at night saying, "I don't think I can do this." Lots of feelings rise up in me when she does this: anger, frustration and depression. I have ignored these and it seems to pass. I am hoping it's just last minute jitters. Her name is Erica and his is Tom. Her birth date is December 15, 1983 and his is October 17, 1984. Do you see this working out? Thanks, Katrina Read more

Hey, you can be fabulous at any age!

On Saturday I'll be on-air for ShopNBC to talk about how I lost my weight. I just turned 51 and I'm a true proponent to your 50s being fabulous. So, let me tell you, I've embarked on a journey to focus on myself (which you'll see on Millionaire Matchmaker) and I'm in the best shape of my life. It's only getting better from here and I'm so excited to share everything with you guys! You can tune in to ShopNBC August 18th at 3pm, 4pm, 7pm or 8pm. That's central time! It's important to take control of your life and your relationships -- and getting a great body can be the first step -- so I'll be talking about how my life has changed, why I feel 50 and fabulous, and how you can too! You've gotta watch! See you then! P.s. xoxo

10 things to love about men

The truth is that men do so much more than leave the toilet seat up and for how much heat we give them, I think it’s time to point out the positive. After all, I did make a career of helping out the men. So, just to remind womankind about what’s so awesome our guys, I cooked up a little list of 10 reasons I love men. In no particular order… Read more

Could it be love? Signs that he’s starting to fall for you

You’ve found a cutie-patootie that makes you smile, makes your heart pitter patter and makes you a little juicy goosey. Congratulations! Initial attraction is important but just remember, it’s love when you can run errands together. If you’re still hesitating to celebrate the new dude because you’re stressing about him falling for you too, here are a few of the biggies when it comes to telltale signs that your relationship could be on its way to Heartsville. I've been there. It’s tough because you don’t want to scare him away with “the talk” too early, but once you hit a certain milestone you have to tell him what you want. My advice is to look for hints that he’s inching towards head over heels. Read more