Get your glow on: Self-acupressure for the face

Acupressure is a Chinese finger massage technique that improves overall well-being and enhances beauty by balancing the energy, or chi, in the body. It’s been used for centuries as a natural facelift to firm up facial tone and improve the appearance of fine lines. Are you ready to learn how to give yourself a beautiful glow by pressing specific areas of your face? If you want to look your best on a date (or anytime, really!) with that healthy “glow” we all dream about, try these quick acupressure techniques that increase the circulation of oxygen and blood to your face. Read more

Tips for season’s eatings

November and December are tempting in every which way when it comes to dining. Between family meals, holiday parties and all of the treats that are bound to find their way into your office and home, the odds of overindulging and consequently packing on a few extra pounds are at their highest. I have a few rules of thumb I try to follow throughout Thanksgiving, December holidays and New Year's Eve so that I can kick off the New Year on the right foot. First off, apply the same rule to fruitcakes, Christmas cookies and other seasonal treats that you would to your Halloween candy — share! There is nothing wrong with “re-gifting” these sweets — to your doorman, your manicurist, your babysitter. Spread the joy! Read more

How to turn a fling into long-term romance

You met a guy and took him home and, well, you know... one thing led to another. No biggie. It’s just a fling. Every single woman needs to let loose once in a while, and if it comes from a fling or a one-time thing, that's your choice. But if you’re starting to think this fling could be the real thing, that’s when it starts to get sticky. It’s a tough transition from a fling to a long-term romance because you led with sex, but it can happen. Here are my tips. Read more

Find your “Why?”

Several times a week I have people ask me how I lost all the weight. Really, you’re in the gym and you want to know how to lose weight? Is there any subject in the world more analyzed than weight loss? The truth is that everybody knows how to lose weight and live healthier. Eat less, eat better, exercise more, blah blah blah. You've heard it all a million times before. Everybody knows how, and everybody is capable of doing it. So when people ask me how to lose the weight, I ask them, "Why?" Read more

When can you start wearing your sweatpants in front of him?

You see me on Millionaire Matchmaker telling women to always wear sexy dresses for first dates. And I’ll always stand by that advice. Men love sexy. It’s a fact. But even I know you can't be sexy all of the time. Sometimes, you need to be comfortable. And sometimes comfort means sweatpants. So the big question is, when can you start wearing your sweatpants in front of your guy? Well, my answer, like many of my answers here on PattiKnows, is — it depends. How cute are your sweatpants? Kidding! It depends on how confident and sexy you feel in sweatpants. So let’s break it down. When do you normally wear sweatpants? Read more

Moving on from Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

After nearly two years of dating, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have called it quits. Beliebers everywhere are cheering, tweeting and trying to catch the young heartthrob’s eye. Even though tweens worldwide may be thrilled to learn that JB is back on the market, anyone who’s ever experienced real heartbreak knows that a breakup is sad, and this one is no different. When you're young, it's even more confusing. Justin, Selena, here’s more about why Cupid may have missed his mark. Read more