To my sexy singles: Where you can meet men this season

Well, hello there, my sexy singles! Are you looking for a man to keep you warm this winter? Of course you are. But guess what? You’re not going to find him under a blanket on your couch. Nope, you need to get up, throw off those flannel pajamas (I know, they’re super comfy) and get out to some places where you can meet men. And here are where they’re hiding. Read more

10 Things you should never say when you’re mad

Remember that show Kids Say The Darndest Things? Well, I have a new idea for a show — Mad People Say The Darndest Things. It’s less funny and cute, more hurtful and life-destroying. Sounds great, right? Who wants to produce it! Seriously though, when we’re mad, we can say some pretty icky things to people we love. And even though the expression is, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” the truth is that words can hurt. And once you say something, you can’t take it back. So when you’re mad, try to avoid saying these terrible things that could ruin your relationship. Read more

Holiday gift etiquette for new couples

Even though Christmas is always December 25, does it feel like it came a little early this year, especially when it comes to your brand-new relationship? Gift giving is pretty intimate. And if you’re under six months with your man, holiday gifting can feel really premature. But with Christmas music on the radio, the insane amount of gift commercials and the general seasonal merriment, it’s not like you can avoid the holidays just because your relationship isn’t ready yet. So I’ve noodled up some general rules to make holiday gifting as easy for new couples as possible. Here they are. Read more

Date ideas that will make you and your husband feel young and in love

Let me guess. When you and your hubby plan a date night, the big decision is if you’re having dinner before the movie or after, right? Sounds like you and your man are in a bit of a dating rut. There are tons of ways to bust a dating slump. One of my favorites is to go on dates that make you feel young. So think back to what kinds of dates you went on as a teen and recreate them. If you’re having trouble remembering, I picked some of my favorite young'un dates to inspire you. Read more

Just ask Glynis: “Is 2012 an unlucky relationship year?”

Dear Glynis, I have purchased your books, Glynis Has Your Number and Love by the Numbers. I have learned a lot from both of them. I'm just wondering: Is 2012 generally a bad year for relationships? My girlfriend recently broke up with me but doesn't want to lose me from her life. However, she doesn't know if she wants me as a friend or to resume being boyfriend and girlfriend. I've noticed a lot of people are having relationship problems early in this year. Is there any light you could shed on this? Sincerely, Brian Read more

Beauty and style items you can feel good about buying

Whether shopping for yourself or someone else, these are products you’ll feel good about buying — and you'll look great too.

1. Love Quotes scarves

These scarves are a celebrity favorite and are available in a wide variety of colors and fabrics. They are heavenly to travel with but substantial enough to keep you warm and cozy. I practically live in mine. And I love the fact that 10 percent of net profits are donated to international children’s charities. Read more