3 Reasons why single girls need single girlfriends

Are you watching The Real Housewives of New York? It's super early in the season and I'm already obsessed! They're such a great group of women in person and make for amazing drama on screen. Love them all! What I think is so interesting is how many of the women are single this year and how much they're bonding over it. Even people who have formerly been at each other's throats, like Luann and Ramona, seem to have made peace and connected due to their single status. It got me thinking about why it's so important for single women to have single friends. Here's why. Read more

Daily horoscopes: May 1, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

It looks like there was a better way of doing things after all. Acknowledge this to those who tried to prevail upon you to reconsider.


(April 20 - May 20):

Your work situation is improving. Life is made much easier when a heavy burden is lifted from your shoulders. Read more

What should I say back?

Probably one of the most common phrases ever muttered between girls in their twenties. This phrase may in fact, kill us. We've become a generation who hides behind the safety of our iPhone screens while frantically screen shooting and asking for advice from girlfriends on what to say back to ONE text. We go into tizzies about what role to play with a guy in question. "Should I be flirty?", "Does he like sarcasm?", "Wait, what did he even mean in that text?" Read more

Daily horoscopes: April 30, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

The best way to deal with non-committal types is to let them go. They’ll come looking for you again after they’ve explored their greener pastures.


(April 20 - May 20):

If you were asked to jump off a bridge, would you? One would think yes the way you take others’ words to heart. Skepticism is healthy. Read more

When You Stop Blaming Everyone Else… You’ll Live The Life You’ve Always Imagined

Who do you blame for where you are in your life right now? I want you to be honest with yourself. The answer isn't always easy, so take your time and think about it. Who is to blame, for better or worse, for how your life turned out? Who is the first person that comes to your mind? Is it your father for not loving you the way you needed? Read more

Daily horoscopes: April 29, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

You’re the one who changed the terms of an agreement. Yes it was in everyone’s best interests, but you still have to allow time for people to make peace with it. Be patient.


(April 20 - May 20):

Don’t hesitate to call in debts and favors. They do you no good collecting dust on the shelf. Every little bit helps right now. Read more