There’s more to being attractive than how you look

I know that I catch a lot of flack for how focused on looks I am on my show, Millionaire Matchmaker. Honestly, though, I’m not focused on looks personally. I’m focused on looks because my clients are focused on looks. And they’re focused on looks because, well, everyone is attracted to someone. Your physical appearance matters. And that’s a fact. But of course, being attractive isn’t solely about looks. There so much that goes into being attractive that’s well beyond physical appearance. That’s why I was so glad when I read this article that highlights exactly what, aside from looks, contributes to being attractive. I couldn’t agree more. Read more

Sexy Valentine’s Day gifts for the man in your life

Was your man naughty or nice in 2012? Hopefully, he was the perfect combination of both. And he probably deserves something special after all the holiday stress. I’m not talking about flannel pajamas here. I’m talking about something really special. Like sexy special. (You know it’s what he really wants anyway, right?) So here are some ideas of sexy little treats you can get him for Valentine's Day. Read more

Movies for the couch potato couple

Big, extravagant date nights are great. And you know me — I’m a girl who loves bling, flash and all kinds of fabulous scenes. But even I know that some of the most special date nights happen at home, on a couch, sharing a bowl of popcorn. A movie night is often the best thing you can do with your boo. And with the economy the way it is, it’s also the best thing you can do with your wallet too. So here are some of my favorite date-night movies. Hope this inspires you to cuddle up close with your man this weekend. Read more

2013 getaways to plan with your girlfriends

Gather up a group of your girlfriends and head out of town to ring in the new year gal pal style. Here are some ideas on where to go. Read more

Want to set up your BFF? Matchmaking secrets

You’re in a great relationship, but your BFF (who is every shade of perfect) isn’t. What gives? Any man would be lucky to date her. So you decide you’re going to set her up. You want to do a good job because, well, she’s your BFF, obvs. So how do you become a great matchmaker? Well, you’ve come to the right place for tips. Here’s some insider knowledge.

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Is music a must during sex? Surprising facts!

Ketchup and French fries. Nutella and a spoon. Peas and carrots. Some things just go together. And music and sex are definitely two of those things. I’ve always thought there was something special about music that made it sexier than any other aphrodisiac out there. It’s better than soft candlelight. Better than a man’s cologne. Hell, sometimes I even think the right song can turn me on more than a shirtless guy himself. Read more