When women date up in age versus when men date up in age

If you’re a woman and date a guy who’s even 24 hours younger than you are, you’re suddenly a cougar. If you’re a man who dates a woman 24 years younger, you’re still just a man. And dating younger is definitely thought of as a good thing for men. I get it, life isn’t fair. And there are reasons why women dating younger men is more rare than men dating younger women and therefore more noteworthy. Here's my attempt to explain the phenomenon. Read more

Celebrity beauty lines I love

You know those pages in tabloids that are all about celebrities being just like us? Well, I absolutely love them. I love feeling like I can relate to my favorite celebs, and that’s why I especially love when celebrities come out with their own beauty lines. One more step to being just like them! Here are my celeb beauty lines favorites. Read more

10 Ways to get your relationship stress on a zen level

You know that happy couple that’s so blissfully in love they never have an ounce of stress and spend every single second just hearting each other to pieces with no mixed feelings? Yeah, me neither. Because that couple doesn’t exist. Every single relationship involves some level of stress. Money, relationship status, in-laws, friends, social situations, basically anything and everything can bring stress into your relationship. So here are 10 ways to get your relationship-related stress a little more under control. Hope they help you out. Read more

The science behind attraction: What draws you to someone?

How many times has your best friend, the person you know the best in the whole wide world, fallen for someone you never expected? For me, I don’t have enough fingers and toes to count. And if we’re being honest here, there have been times that I’ve fallen for guys I never would have picked for myself. Attraction is a funny thing like that. There are some key factors that you can count on, but there’s also a lot of mystery involved. If you’re looking to lessen your future shock factor, you might want to know some of the key elements behind attraction. So here they are. Read more

Love lessons from black and white movies

I’ll admit that I’m a reality TV junkie. I watch everything from The Bachelor to Hoarders to every single one of the Real Housewives franchises. But my other guilty pleasure is black and white movies. I love the old-school glamour. And those men are men! No metrosexual ridiculousness going on with them. They knew what they wanted, and they went for it. And of course, I love the love in those movies. There was real romance back then. Black and white movies have real lessons to teach about love. Here are three of my favorite. Read more

My favorite date spots from coast to coast

Picking the perfect date spot is a lot of pressure. Here’s the thing though, the spot is such a small percentage of what makes a date magical. It’s way more about your chemistry. So you shouldn’t stress at all about the place. And to help you not stress, I’ve come up with this helpful list of general spots that exist just about everywhere in the country and make great settings for the perfect date to unfold. Read more