Bringing kids into the conversation: How soon is too soon?

Kids are a fundamental part of any serious relationship. And by that, I mean the desire to have them or not have them can completely color the future of a relationship... especially if the couple disagrees. Trust me, I know. You just can’t make a relationship work long term if you two don’t see eye to eye on the kiddo situation. Period. End of story. Read more

5 Things you should know about him before you move in together

Moving in together is like getting engaged but without any jewelry. If you know me, you know that I don't recommend a move without a ring. But if you disagree with me on that, at least take into consideration some things you should know about him before you move in together to make sure that it happens only once and only with the right guy. The number one rule is to make sure you at least get a promise ring. Read more

Sex outdoors: Tacky or sexy?

It’s that time of year. The weather is really warm, well into the nighttime hours. For all of you who have sex on the brain — that can lead to thinking about doing the dirty out in nature. Admit it, you’ve thought of it. There’s no shame. Getting down out in nature seems so romantic. It’s totally something characters in a Nicholas Sparks novel would do... in a field, surrounded by flowers and tall grass... Ryan Gosling... yep. We’re not characters in a Nicholas Sparks novel, though. So in real life, is sex outdoors as sexy as it seems or is it totally tacky? Well, it’s kind of both. Here are some pros and cons of outdoor sex. Read more

Shop my Hollywood love nest!

My curator collection launched last night on Joss & Main! You can shop my home decor picks to create your very own glam love nest for you and your boo. Here's a quick tease at what you'll find! Read more

How to wear the pants in the relationship — without stealing his thunder

I’m no shrinking violet. Well, that might be the biggest understatement of the century. I speak my mind. But does that mean that I want to steal my man’s thunder and emasculate him at every turn? No way! You can “wear the pants” in your relationship by being louder and earning more money, but here’s how to be the woman you are without hindering him from being the man that he is.

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Vacations: Why they are critical to your marriage

This time of year always makes me think of summer break. Remember way back when you were in school and summer meant a season-long vacation? So nice, right? My summer vacation reminiscing got me thinking about vacations and how they’re critical to relationships, especially marriages. If you’re married, definitely read the tips below. Here’s why you need to hop on a plane ASAP! Read more