Why you must pay attention to the red flags in dating and sex

My mother taught me early on to pay attention to the red flags. She said, “Emily, the issues you have with a man on the third date you will have forever.” I didn’t always want to believe her, but the more I’ve dated the more I realize she was right. You need to pay attention to the red flags in dating from the very beginning. Real life isn’t a romantic comedy. If you hated a person in the beginning, you’re probably going to hate them in the end. It’s easy to ignore the red flags waving in the background when your new love interest is just so darn attractive and easy to talk to. It’s even easier to make up excuses, like you’re just having fun so it doesn’t matter if he’s an alcoholic, cheater, or a gigantic man-child. Read more

The secret to better sex

I got into this business because I love love. Really, there’s no one who’s more smitten with romance than I am. But, that doesn’t mean that I don’t love sex too. Those two often go hand in hand! Or something else in something else, if you know what I mean. And I’m here to share with you the one secret that will make your sex life a million times better. Are you ready for it? Ok, here it is—Communication! That’s right. Not kegels or costumes or whipped cream. It’s good old fashioned communication that’s going to heat up your sex life. And here’s how to do it. Read more

Ditch Your Battery Operated Lover!

 Vroom, vroom, vroom . . .

No, this isn’t a car commercial. This post is dedicated to all the women who have become addicted to their vibrators. I once dated a woman who was completely addicted to a vibrator the size of a horse. You know the one . . . it’s supposed to be a back massager. You plug it in, straddle it like a pony, put it on full speed, and kick back and ride it like a bucking bronco. Because of this addiction, there was no way I could get her to cum. No matter what I did – whether I used my tongue, my finger or my joystick – I could not sensate her body like her vroom vroom stick. Read more

How to Cover a Hickey with Makeup

Did date night go so well that you are left with a party favor? Have a 9 a.m. board meeting and need to cover up that love bite? Have no fear, follow these easy steps on how to cover that dreaded hickey before your mom, boss or friends see it. Be sure to check at the video below! Read more

#AskPatti: How To Get Over A Guy Who Keeps Contacting You

Ask Patti Stanger
Ugh, ugh, ugh. Let me tell you something—I can relate to this and I’m pretty sure that all women can. This situation is annoyingly common. Some douche dumps you because he’s a douche and then he won’t leave you alone to heal because he’s a double douche. Here are my steps for how to move on from this double dip of douchedom. Read more

How Do I Get Out of the “Friend Zone?”

the highway to the friend zone


"Hoping you can help Lisa. I have been putting myself out into the dating scene a lot these past couple of months and have met some really great women. The problem is, after a few great dates most of the women I meet tell me that they think we would be better off as friends. I'm sick and tired of being stuck in the friend zone. How do I get out of there?!" 

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