Is anyone else dealing with back-to-back weddings this summer? I am and so many of my girlfriends are too. And weddings are of course super happy occasions. I totally live for weddings! But, even I’ll admit, they’re a little happier when you’re in a couple. When you’ve got a man, a wedding is basically a big, fancy date that someone else is paying for. When you’re single, they’re kinda a big fat reminder of how alone you are…with cake. And when it’s a family wedding, the fun factor can be turned down even more because your weird Aunt Helene is sucking the air out of the room. Trust me, I know the story. (If you’re reading this, hi, Aunt Helene!) Well, here’s how to have fun at a crappy family wedding if you’re single.
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(March 20 - April 19):
Grievances soften and grudges lose their shape when the Moon trines Neptune. You’re ready to forgive and maybe even forget.TAURUS.
(April 20 - May 20):
You’re being asked to take an unpopular stand, but if anyone can change people’s opinions for the better: it’s you. Read more
I’m not afraid to admit that I love Bachelor in Paradise. My heart was all kinds of broken when I heard they were cancelling Bachelor Pad, which I was obvs a huge fan of, but Bachelor in Paradise has helped me lick those wounds and move on. It’s such a great show! Every single second is entertaining and heartfelt. And I know people say that reality TV is fake, but if you watch 10 minutes of Bachelor in Paradise, you'll see that these people are real and are having very real emotions. At least, this all goes for season one of the show. I’m already sucked into season two, so I'm assuming it'll be as good as last year. Here’s why I think everyone looking for love needs to be watching.
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