The Lost Art of Giving an Amazing Hand Job

Many consider the Hand Job (HJ) a lost art form– an uncherished relic from Sophomore year of High School. When a BJ seems too ambitious, you give a dry-handed tug. The hand job is often done half-assed because people don’t put their hearts into it, and don’t use nearly enough lube. Man mastered the hand job on himself out of necessity. He realized around age 13 how amazing his penis is, and how no one will even think about touching it for at least two years. But even if you don’t know the exact rhythm and pressure he prefers, you have the advantage of not being his left hand, and having breasts (among other things). While the hand job might not be your go-to move in the bedroom, you should definitely give it a second chance and work it into your rotation. Sure, many guys might think, “I’ve got this, why do I need my girlfriend to give me a HJ?”  Well, those are the guys who haven’t had it done the way I’m about to explain to you. It’s just like scratching an itch. Sure, you can scratch your own back, but isn’t it better when someone else scratches it for you? (Note: Do not scratch his penis. This is a metaphor.) Read more

Does plastic surgery get you a better man?

Should women consider plastic surgery to find a better man
I’ve lived in LA-LA land for a long time, so I’ve seen my fair share of plastic surgery—the very, very good, the very, very bad and everything in between. And because surgery is so common here—I swear there are more plastic surgeon’s offices than Starbucks in LA—I’ve been asked by a lot of my female clients if plastic surgery will get them a better man. Instead of giving them a yes or no answer, I often have a lot of questions for them. What can I say? I’m like the Cheshire Cat of plastic surgery advice. In case you’re wondering the same thing, here are those questions for you to ask yourself. Read more

How to make a palette out of your almost empty lipstick tubes

Stop throwing your money away and start converting those “almost empty” tubes of lipsticks into something useful: a lipstick palette! A lipstick palette provides you the convenience of having multiple lipsticks in a compact case thats fits into the tiniest of purses and clutches. In addition, you will get more out of your lipstick tube than ever before. Follow these easy steps on how to get to the bottom of your lipstick tubes! Read more

#AskPatti: Hitting on men, long distance relationships & unavailable women

Ask Patti Stanger
Yay! It’s my favorite time of the week! Time to answer your #AskPatti questions. I got into matchmaking because I love helping people fall in love. I just never dreamed I’d be doing it on this big of a scale! I’m getting questions from all over the world and it feels so, so awesome to be able to offer you love, relationship and sex advice. Alright, on to this week’s questions! Read more

Do You Get Lonely?

Woman looks out window loney
I was training at the gym earlier, and as I watched a number of people training alone I started thinking to myself, “life must get lonely for some people.” If you’re single, you wake up in the morning and you’re alone. You go to work, and you’re alone. You go training at the gym, and you’re alone. Then you go home, on your own. On my way home from the gym I started looking into the windows of the houses I passed. I saw all the condos, apartments, and lofts. Where I live is in a Marina, which is mainly a loft district. As I looked in the windows, I could see people watch television, having dinner, and sipping wine, all on their own. I wondered how many of these people were lonely. I know there are many lonely people out there. I know from the work I do. I read it in all the emails and letters I’m sent every day. In many ways, it’s very sad when you think about it. Sometimes life can be very lonely. So what do we do to change it?  Read more

11 Tips for a Successful Date

11 tips for successful dating. couple holds hands
Dating plays a vital role in the matchmaking process. This is where my clients get to practice. Meeting with a matchmaker is the classroom experience, while dating is the hands on, field experience—offering an opportunity to get out there and find who and what exactly works for them. As a Matchmaker I supply my clients with invaluable feedback after each date, but my tips before a date are what I stress when first working with a client. Whether you are looking for advice to share with your own clients, or are eager to plan a successful date for yourself, I guarantee that incorporating these 11 dating tips will make the dating experience more successful, and enjoyable! Read more