The Benefits of Working with a Certified Matchmaker

I mention the benefits of working with a Certified Matchmaker often, so I want to take some time to explain why working with matchmakers that are certified is so beneficial.

A little back story:

When I left my career in social work to become a matchmaker, I found a huge gap in the matchmaking industry in terms of support, networking, and industry standards. As a social worker I was used to attending conferences, taking advantage of ongoing training opportunities, and having a network of peers and co-workers to consult with on a daily basis. In my new career none of this was available to me. I had to learn on the fly, and made many mistakes along the way. To amend this, I co-founded the Matchmaking Institute in 2003, two years after starting my matchmaking company VIP life.  I am proud to say that the institute is the first state licensed school for matchmakers with an approved curriculum. The Matchmaking Institute offers a professional matchmakers trade association, matchmaking workshops, and a yearly world-wide professional Matchmakers and Date Coaches Conference.  Read more

Does money matter in love?

money heats: does money matter in love?
Does money matter when it comes to love? I get that question all the time. And considering I run a business called The Millionaire’s Club, someone who didn’t know me well would probably think I’d be able to give the simple answer of, “Hells yeah, it does!” But you, my loves, know me well enough to know that my answers are never that simple. And I don’t really ever say, “Hells yeah.” So, here’s what I have to say when it comes to money, love and the mixing of the two. Read more

Stop Making Men Work So Hard!

Man sweats from working so hard for women
Do you remember the '80s band Men at Work? Here's what most women do.  They give out their phone number to a guy that they're interested in. Then they make him work like crazy just to go get a date. Stop the madness. If you give a guy your phone number and he texts you, respond immediately. If he calls you, call him back. Allow him to set up a date. If you have plans to curl your hair or get waxed, changed them. If you’re hanging around with friends on the night he wants to take you out, cancel your friends. You can drink wine and talk about failed relationships with them another night. Read more

4 Easy Steps to the Perfect Winged Eyeliner

I frequently get asked how I get my eyeliner so straight. My answer is always this: practice makes perfect. But today you are in for a treat as I am going to give you the low down on the tricks to getting that perfect winged eyeliner. First off pick a form of eyeliner that is easiest for you and that gives you the finish you are looking for i.e liquid for a stark, defined line, pencil for a smudged or not so defined line, gel if you are better with using a brush to apply liner and gel liners usually dry to more of a matte finish than liquid or pencil. Read more

#AskPatti: Soul mates, unavailable guys, short hair & more!

Ask Patti Stanger
Hello again, my AskPatti-ers. Another week and another round of amazing questions from you all. When I started this column, I really thought I’d be answering one question a week. But you all have so many important and inspiring questions that I can’t help but fit as many as I possibly can into every column. So, welcome to another week of rapid fire #AskPatti questions. Let’s jump in. Read more

Top Reasons to Rethink Online Dating & Work With a Matchmaker

Woman rethinks online dating and considers finding a matchmaker
Before finding a certified matchmaker many people try online dating, and I understand why. Online dating seems easy and accessible. You turn on the computer, sign up, and the browsing of eligible singles begins. Unfortunately, although it seems like a great medium to meet new people, online dating comes with some major cons. Photos can be out of date, people are often dishonest on their profiles, and the cost and time spent on the site quickly adds up due to the amount of sifting through profiles involved. Read more