How do I get him to kiss me?

Man goes in for a kiss with a woman
So, you're dating a shy boy. (You notice I don't use the term shy man.) You're dating the guy. You've been on a couple of dates. And he’s just terrified to kiss you. You start thinking to yourself, “How do I get him to kiss me? What’s wrong with me?” There's nothing wrong with you! There are just some guys out there that are absolutely terrified to initiate any physical contact with a woman. In fact, guys ask me at my seminars all the time, “How do I initiate a kiss with a woman?” Read more

Here to help, just Ask Justin!

Ask Justin Bird
Have you ever sat down for dinner with a group of friends and as soon as everyone started to order, you instantly felt sorry for the waiter? Between substitutions, special requests and temperature requirements- people are very specific about what they want just for dinner. So it should come as no surprise to you that when it comes to dating, people can be just as picky if not more complicated. Read more

#AskPatti: The MIA guy, avoiding online dating & physical attraction

Ask Patti Stanger
Hope you lovelies has a gorgeous week. I definitely did. I’ve been super swamped with work recently, but I had some very successful dates with several of my clients this week. And getting those phone calls is the best. I’d stay in the office until midnight every single day of the year if it meant more gleeful post-first date calls. Another reason my week was so great was your questions. Let’s jump into them. Read more

The Super Sex Diet

chocolate cake in the shape of a heart
Here’s a dilemma: a choice between a big old piece of rich, gooey chocolate cake or rock-your-world sex. Tough call—right? That’s because food and sex are two of the most powerful and closely related human desires. Both the sensual gratifications of a decadent sweet and mind-blowing sex literally turn on the pleasure receptors in the brain. Feed Your Libido Have a rendezvous with food in the kitchen and in the bedroom and double your pleasure. With my Super Sex Diet you won’t have to decide between a great romp and a rich dessert. Here’s how… Read more

Do You Suffer From Email Madness?

angry woman on computer
Do you find that the best way for you to relate to someone is via e-mail, or texting? Do you feel you could open up more in an e-mail than you can in person? Do you feel like you can express your thoughts better when you write them? It’s amazing when you think about it. Go back 30 years and all we had were conversations. Now we have so many ways to communicate instantly without having to actually speak, we rarely hear each other’s voices anymore. I’ve had entire “relationships” where I’ve only emailed the person. Not once did we communicate by phone. Is that the right or wrong way to go about relationships? Read more

Let’s Get Married

[caption id="attachment_9754" align="aligncenter" width="620"] Photo credit Godofredo Astudillo[/caption]

As a gay man, there are certain things that you obligated to talk about with all of your best girlfriends:

Hair (Should she cut it, or color it) Television Shows (Who do you want to sleep with on the CW) Sex (giving her advice on how to use a penis properly) And last but not least…. Weddings. You see, a straight girl can chat about all her crazy wedding fantasies to her gay best friend and not feel like…. she is being crazy. Read more