I had a very interesting day.
For some reason, the universe aligned in one day. I was somehow connecting with two ex-lovers.
I hadn't seen either of them in a long time, but it so happens I had lunch with one and dinner with the other. I don't know how it all went down. Maybe an email, maybe running into another one, but it was an absolutely amazing day to reconnect with people who I had very nice warm feelings about from my past.
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(March 20 - April 19):
Is it a premature ending or a false start? You may have trouble telling which is which with the Moon void of course today.TAURUS.
(April 20 - May 20):
Someone’s good intentions may have paved the way to a hellish situation. Take care of the crisis and sort out the whys and wherefores later. Read more
Real talk, it is pretty damn clear that the social media's have a negative effect on our dating lives. They spark jealousy, insecurity, and confusion to all daters world over. How could they not? We are all constantly in touch with everyone's living and waking moments and we pay especially close attention to these "moments" or posts from people that are potential love interests.
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(March 20 - April 19):
Don’t mix love and money. You have the ability to get your finances in order and shouldn’t be looking to someone you like to bail you out. You’ll only regret it.TAURUS.
(April 20 - May 20):
A boss or client dangles a juicy morsel in front of you. Don’t pounce right away because there’s a lot more you can do to fatten the deal first. Read more
I'm about to expose the number one reason why you're still single. I'm going to do so and you're going to listen. You're going to listen hard and you're going to change the way you do things starting immediately.
The story I'm about to share with you might sound a little egotistical. It really isn't. It's to prove a point.
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