Absolutely every single person has their battles. A battle that isn't talk about as much as it should be is anxiety. Diagnosed or not, many people suffer with various degrees of anxiety disorders and there’s a chance that someone you love could be dealing with one. When you're in a new relationship and you see something like anxiety rear its ugly head, it can be scary... especially if you've never encountered anxiety before. Here’s how to deal.
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(March 20 - April 19):
You’ll want to double-check the fine points with the Moon in Virgo today. Just because something sounds right doesn’t mean it is.TAURUS.
(April 20 - May 20):
Is it too much to ask for a stress free existence? No. But now isn’t the time to ask for it. Read moreARIES.
(March 20 - April 19):
The only thing worse than something going wrong is fixating on it. Don’t narrow your field of vision. You want be open to alternatives.TAURUS.
(April 20 - May 20):
You don’t really go in for pie-in-the-sky ventures. But then—you don’t have much choice. Give it your best shot. It might surprise you. Read moreARIES.
(March 20 - April 19):
You were afraid that you were being hard-hearted, but not yielding shows that you really care. Tough love works wonders.TAURUS.
(April 20 - May 20):
Usually you refrain from mixing business with pleasure, but today you’re more lenient. If it gets the job done, why not? Read more
Halloween is right around the corner. So, cue the slut-o-ween jokes! Come on, bring ‘em on! Actually, record scratch all that. I’m not into slut-o-ween jokes. Why would anyone ever make fun of a woman for having fun, showing off her body and being confident? I say if you want to flaunt it, go for it! Eff the haters! And I also think you should push yourself to the edge of your comfort zone in terms of sexiness on Halloween. Here’s why.
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