Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger’s diet, workout and beauty secrets –

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Why Do Men Watch Porn?

why do men watch porn?
Women ask me this question all the time. “Why do men watch porn? I’m with a great guy, and we have a great sex life, but he still insists on watching porn. Why won’t he stop?” So why do guys watch porn? To be honest, I believe men watch porn because they don’t want to tell women what they really desire sexually. And from a woman’s point of view, it’s difficult to know exactly how to turn a man on. If he doesn’t talk to you about his fantasies, it’s impossible. Read more

#AskPatti: PDA, Free spirits, finding Prince Charming & More

Ask Patti Stanger
Welcome back to another week of AskPatti. Your questions just keep getting better and better. We’re dealing with some really amazing topics this week, so let’s jump in! ASK HIM! Maybe he doesn’t know you like to hold hands or is embarrassed of PDA or doesn’t want you to feel his sweaty palms. I really don’t know. But, I do know that a relationship without communication isn’t a healthy one. Just ask him about it if it’s bothering you.     Read more

AskJustin: Mixing business and pleasure & watching the game with your guy

Whew, I’m excited! The questions have been pouring in so thank you for all of the questions.  I will be answering a couple questions per week; unfortunately I cannot answer all of them.
How do I get business without putting out? I work in a sales role where my typical client is a middle-aged wealthy arrogant male. The industry is known for being a boys club and if you’re a female rep clients often expect more than just the product you’re offering if you want their business. How does an intelligent and professional female in the industry get business without lowering her standards? Read more

Can I work with a client who is “separated”?

Can a matchmaker work with a client that is separated?
Wondering if you could give me your opinion on this Lisa-- I am a matchmaker, and from time to time get a client who is separated from their spouse, but not divorced yet. How do you handle clients that are separated? Do you work with them? Wondering what the industry standard is. 
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If I gave you the sex talk instead of your mother…

If I gave you the sex talk instead of your mother
  1. Sex can be a lot of fun, especially when you like the person you’re having sex with. (Let’s not get into hate sex right now).  
  2. Always use protection. Guys, slap on a condom. I don’t care if it doesn’t feel as spectacular as going in unclad. You’re still going to have orgasm and won’t have to pay child support for the rest of your life.Ladies, not only does birth control make your boobs bigger and your skin clearer, it prevents babies from popping out of you. There’s nothing worse than praying for your period. Then breaking down in tears of joy when the horrible cramps seize your body and you know you’re not pregnant.Get on birth control and make sure he’s wearing a condom. No guy is worth your time if he doesn’t want to wear one.  
  3. Read more