5 things not to wear when you’re about to do it

woman takes off her clothing before sex
As a woman, you can always kind of predict (kind of being the operative word) when sex is about to go down.  Maybe it’s your fifth date with a guy and he invites you over to his place for dinner. Maybe it’s your tenth date with a guy and he wants to take you on a romantic weekend getaway.  Or maybe it’s your second date, and you think there’s a chance of getting frisky (Bathroom? Back seat of his car? The opportunities are endless, am I right?). Regardless of the situation, you should always be prepared if you plan on doing the dirty Here are my top 5 things NOT to wear when you’re about to do it: Read more

#AskPatti: Matchmaker help on a budget, first date outfits, non-negotiables & more!

Ask Patti Stanger
Hello, my loves! I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with food, fun and lots of love. Personally, my holiday was a little too much food and the perfect amount of fun and love. I really have so much to be thankful for this year and it’s so nice that a big part of the holiday season is appreciating the year that’s just past. Enough with the mushy gushy stuff and on to this week’s #AskPatti questions! Read more

Your only lover is your vibrator

sexy woman plays hard to get
Playing it cool means, your vibrator is your only lover. Let’s face facts here. A vibrator is probably better than bad sex right? I know if I was able to have multiple orgasms with a toy or tool, I’d use it on a regular basis. I’d rather that than have bad sex with people who didn’t treat me well, or I didn’t connect with or feel anything for. Read more

How long should your engagement period be?

Couple gets engaged
Gone are the days when couples are expected to be engaged for a year or more. For the sake of you and your fiance's peace of mind, your engagement period should only be as long as necessary to successfully design and plan your wedding engagements. That being said, longer engagements do obviously have their perks.  Firstly, your guests have time to save up for your wedding, book their travel and accommodations, and get time off of work.  Additionally, if you are not working with a wedding planner, this period will allow you and your fiancé enough time to find and book your vendors (who are likely still available), plan and enjoy all celebratory parties (i.e. engagement party, any showers, bachelor/bachelorette parties), and really enjoy and relish in the feeling of being engaged. Read more

Do you date on potential?

The Millionaire Matchmaker Love Report
Are you sick of dating "potential"? Does this sound familiar to you? "He'd be the perfect guy, if only..." "The guy I'm dating right now, I get so frustrated… if he would only listen to me, just a little bit. We could be so great for each other." "I know he wants to change, I mean, I think he does. I just don’t understand why he's not changing." Read more

AskJustin: Communicating in online dating & judging the first date

Ask Justin Bird
So what's a good opening email when messaging someone on online dating? I can never think of anything to say besides Hey how are you? Brooke, Oxford, Miss.
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