Sex With Emily’s Holiday Gift Guide

A present given to him for the holidays
I know you’re scrambling to find the perfect gift for the special man or woman in your life. Since I give advice all the time about how to make relationships run smoothly, I can also advise you on how to make your holidays run smoothly with the perfect gift. One question I’ve been getting a lot recently is, “Emily, can you help me think of something to get my (lover/spouse/crush) for (fill in holiday)?” And I say, “Of course I can help you!” For all of you who’ve asked, I’ve put together a list of some of my favorite holiday gift ideas. And no, they aren’t all sex toys, although you might see a few sprinkled in here and there. After all, it is a sexy time of year! So why not get the right gift this year that will ensure good loving all around.  Read more

Dieting and Dating: Having a Mind of Your Own

Woman contemplates dieting
Keep dating the wrong guy, again and again? Jump from one restrictive diet to the next, only to lose and gain the weight many times over? If this sounds familiar, it’s time to look for patterns of behavior, and the answer may be simpler than you think. Believe it or not, ineffective dieting and disheartening dating have something in common. You! Instant gratification is the new normal for many of us. Quick fixes and gimmicks only feed the need to have the ideal partner or a svelte body now. This impatience spills over into the most important aspects of our lives—our love affairs and general well-being. In our haste, we lose touch with the values required to sustain good relationships and a naturally healthy weight. I’m here to tell you there is no sidestepping the requirement for thoughtful, deliberate and honest evaluation of yourself as you seek the perfect eating plan or a soul mate for life. Read more

5 Gifts any man will love

woman surprised man with a holiday gift
Fa la la la la! It’s holiday time and I couldn’t be more excited! It’s probably no surprise to you that I’m a big gift giver. I do everything big! I la-la-la-love giving gifts to the special man in my life, but sometimes it can be hard to find a good dude gift. I mean, guys have it so easy! All women want is something sparkly with a heart felt card. But guys are tougher. So, if you’re having trouble finding your man the perfect gift, here’s a quick cheat sheet of gifts any man will love. Read more

Why Moms Make Perfect Girlfriends

a mother makes a great girlfriend
You know I love women, but there’s one particular group of women I’m especially fond of, and that’s Moms. The other night was a perfect example of why I think Moms are so amazing. I was out with two clients, and my close friend and fellow coach John Keegan. We decided to eat at a lovely place in Venice called, “Café Gratitude.” It’s a vegan restaurant. I’ve been there before and the food is always good. It’s the kind of place everyone kisses each other and has deep meaningful conversations. Most these conversations end abruptly when someone who’s on some angel path comes along, and diverts the conversation in a completely different direction. Read more

Creating the perfect eyebrow

the three points to create a perfect brow
If you are like me and weren’t blessed with Kim Kardashian’s luscious brows, or grew up in the 90’s where over tweasing your eyebrows was cool,  have no fear I’m here to show you how to fake a good brow.  Read more

#AskPatti: Lying guys, talking your number, guys with “friends” & more!

Guys, wasn’t it just Thanksgiving last week? How do I suddenly feel like I’m behind in holiday shopping? I have a really long list this year, because I have so many people who have been very, very nice to me. But, before I get back out there shopping, I wanted to take a second an answer your #AskPatti questions. Here we go! Read more