#AskPatti: Inexperienced men, how to avoid dating more jerks, first date advice & more!

Ask Patti Stanger
Hello, my holiday hams! (That’s weird, right? Never writing that again, I promise.) I’m already feeling like 2013 is going to be my best holiday season ever. It just feels more festive and fun than any other December I can remember. Plus, I’ve found matches for an even higher than usual number of my millionaires in the past few weeks. And that always feels special. I love getting matches done right before the holidays so new couples can celebrate together. Enough about me and onto you! Here are your questions from the week. Read more

AskJustin: Strip clubs and getting back with the ex

Ask Justin Bird
If a guy is really into strip clubs does that make him a dog?
Some men at strip clubs feel like 6-year-old boys at Disneyland on the night before Christmas. This is completely okay as we are men remember? One word to keep in mind: Moderation! The first question I want to ask is how often? If it’s any more frequent than five-ish times a year, then I would be concerned and raise a red flag. If a man goes to a strip club for special occasions (bachelor parties or birthdays), then it is completely normal. Is the man married, single, taken? A married man should limit his attendance to special occasions, while a single man gets a free pass. Read more

Toms in Love, Now Shut the F#ck Up.

A few weeks ago I was spinning at the news that Olympic Diver, Tom Daley not only had (unofficially) come out, but was also in love. In an instant, Tom was becoming a major role model for many young fans around the world dealing with their own sexuality. But naturally the press did not want to focus on that part of the story and instead they said “screw that” and decided to focus on the possibility that he is dating Oscar winning screenwriter, Dustin Lance Black. Read more

6 Signs He’s Falling In Love With You

A couple sits on grass being in love
You’ve dreamt of this moment all your life. You’ve met an incredible man. He’s strong, caring, and a wizard in bed. You think he’s getting serious about you but you don’t want to misread the signs. The last thing you want to do is scare him off if you’ve got this wrong, but if he is trying to tell you he cares, you don’t want him to think you’re not interested. So here are 6 signs he’s starting to fall for you… Read more

How to Create Your Dating Persona

Are you one of those people with a vacation mindset? You know what I mean. You visit a friend in Los Angeles for the weekend. And for some reason or another, you can meet people. It's easier. But when you got home, you just don't feel the same. You can't seem to get out of your head. You can't seem to find that dynamic person that you were in L.A., and you go back to being your regular, average self, stuck in your day-to-day life. You wonder where that person went. But every time you travel, whether it's Miami, Los Angeles, New York,  or Vegas, you seem to be able to create this magnetic personality. You don't seem to care at all. You flirt. You have fun. You relax and have a good time. But when you're home, you worry about what other people think. You worry about what someone will say if you try to flirt with somebody at the gym, or the super market. And, what if you get rejected? So, how do you become that ‘Road Warrior’, in your every day life? Today, David and I dive into that and show you exactly how you can have that dynamic personality all the time. More importantly, how nobody really cares about that un-dynamic person you present yourself as at home. How this magnetic road personality will make people at home want to not only date you, but be near you and hang out with you. Today, we expose the truth about the magnetic Road Warrior dating personality, and how to transform it into your life.

Give the Gift of Love For the Holidays!

Hearts hang from a christmas tree representing love
Let’s be honest, singles are not the only ones that have relationship questions and concerns. Relationships, no matter the length, take consistent work and attention. This is especially true during the holidays. So far this month I have covered how to take advantage of the seasons festivities and be your own matchmaker, and have answered questions about dating someone new. It is only fair that I now turn my attention to answering a question from the often neglected couple. Read more